On Friday I moved a bunch of the capacitors ... around on the floor of the office so I could get at the laboratory freezer I used as a cupboard, tossed out a box of cables that will never sell, did various things and got going at a bit before 4.
I tossed out trash, mailed packages, went to the bank to deposit my pay check, and went to Whole Foods for some Whole Foods I guess. Chicken and zucchini and a Guinness.
I also went to the hardware store for some "canned air" for dusting out my computer and various things, and some lock lubricant for the door lock which seems to be sticky and doesn't latch well unless I slam it.
The service was the usual fun. Singing and watching hummingbirds fly around, and lots of good old schmoozing afterwards.
I rode back here and had my dinner and went to sleep next to the big pile of capacitors in the office.
Today well, obviously didn't do much.
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