Friday, September 20, 2024

Mystery Pain Syndrome

 I'm kind of astonished. My friend Pat on the Big Island didn't want to talk to me any more. OK that was fine with me, I respect the wishes of friends. But I found a documentary on YouTube about a medical syndrome that sounded an awful lot like what he's suffering from, so I decided to take a chance at pissing him off, and sent him an email with the link and said he doesn't need to reply but please watch this thing. 

So today I check my email and he replied and didn't sound pissed off at all. He said he'll try to watch some of it today. I said that I'd been pretty convinced his troubles were due to being vegan, but watching the documentary, I'd remembered that he'd said he'd had the problem "back when he ate burgers" so I felt I had to tell him about it. 

I closed by saying even if he doesn't want to talk any more I still care about him. It's the same situation as with my older sister. OK so I didn't go to Punahou or become rich enough and for her that means I'm not worthy to associate with, but it doesn't mean we didn't grow up together and I wouldn't help her with a problem if I could. 

I think she'd be a lot happier if she stopped being such a damned snob but I don't know how to do that. We seem to have dealt with poverty in different ways. My way was to learn to function in spite of it, and her reaction was to hate and fear it, and hate/fear anyone who might not be at least comfortably wealthy. 

I just took a quick look at some things, and until January 1 2025, one can travel to Israel on an American passport and stay for the duration of the validity of the passport.  I forget whether they're valid for 5 years or 10, but 5 would be enough to complete my conversion and formal aliyah. 

So I have from now until December to get my papers in order and get a new passport. 

If Dumpo wins, which will be known in early November, I shall choose to celebrate Xmas in the Holy Land haha. Then why not stick around to celebrate Easter ... honestly the writing will be on the wall and application for asylum will be on the table. 

The other possibility is civil war if the orange turd wins. Because millions of us can't up and move to other countries, other countries are not going to want American problems in their laps. We've seen the documentaries and we're a lot better armed. In fact, half the country will be in an eerily similar situation to the Ukrainians, who Putin thought he'd roll over in days and something like 2 years on, are winning. I'm not of prime fighting age or condition these days but I can help out in tons of ways and instruct/train. 


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