Thursday, June 6, 2024

Lovin' the sober life

 After Ken being here, I did the math to get an idea of where my bank account should be, then for some reason or another fished around in my wallet and found the $100 check from Starving Musician. Oh, well then, I have an excuse to go to the bank. I'll deposit that, get my balance, then take out $200 for this week's "allowance" 

I got a load of books bagged, packed a few things (except one thing I can't seem to find, grrr) and had decided last night that I'll do a haircut today because I want that super-short "astronaut" look to be "my look" and if I go too long between cuts, it just ends up being weird when I get around to cutting it and it's super short. Phil Hankin at the temple either cuts super-short or shaves his head but his "look" is consistent. 

I didn't go to bed until late, late. Like 6AM late. Awful. I thought I'd be doing well to wake up at noon, but I actually woke up at 11:30. 

I'd finished off the hummus from last weekend - little tahini, water, mix well so it's super smooth, add za'atar, olives, and olive oil. Then remembered I had another little package of blackberries. The first package had had mushy ones and was pretty marginal so I didn't have high hopes for the 2nd. Instead, the 2nd one was fine, not one soft or bad one, they were perfect. So I had a big bowl of blackberries with cream. Yum! 

I just did the 3rd pass looking for one of the things that has sold and it's a simple case of dematerialism and my own powers of magic/imagination not being strong enough at present to manifest it into being. So I'll have to refund the customer, but as per my standard procedure, I'll wait until it's 15 minutes before the item goes "overdue" then and only then tell the customer they're out of luck. 

I gave myself a haircut to keep myself in the very short hair Middle-Eastern standard. I need to cut my hair about every 2-3 weeks, preferably 2.5 weeks at most, to keep to a consistent look. 

I took off at maybe 2 in the afternoon, mailed 4 things at the downtown post office, then went to the bank and deposited the $100 check from Starving Musician, and got my balance. I had about $1000 less in there than I thought I did. I don't know what's going on there. I either need to keep a much, much more detailed financial diary, or I need to drastically simplify the way I handle my money. 

So, after the deposit and getting the balance, I withdrew $200 in $20's and that's my allowance for the week. Since I'm going to the bank in person every week anyway, I think I'll just do this each week. That way, if I need to use my card, it will be the only other transaction other than the $200 withdrawal immediately after depositing my $400 check each week. 

I have no idea how I'm about $1100 off, except that I show a deposit of $1100 in my own records but at the bank they say they never saw that. So I don't know what the hell is going on. It makes me want to put all but an essential amount, say $1000 kept in the bank, into silver coins or something. I don't trust banks and I don't trust computers and I don't trust people in banks who use computers. 

At least taking my $200 out right at the bank each week should simplify things by quite a bit. 

I went over to Whole Foods and got my chicken and broccoli and a can of seltzer water, and ate and people-watched. Then I rode over to Recycle Book Store to trade in the two bags of books I had hanging on the handlebars on the bike. I picked out 3 books in the Jewish section, one of which being a big thick history of my own temple. Or one of the very same name and denomination up in San Francisco. I'll find out when I read it.  And two by Primo Levi. 

It turned out I got about over $40 in trade and after buying my books still have a little over $20 in trade. So I did really well this time. I rode over to Crossroads Trading and locked the bike, and took the two bags of books the bookstore didn't want to the Teen Challenge Thrift Store where they were glad to get them, then looked around. They sell used eyeglasses there and I found a pair that are sort of semi-aviator style, made of that super light high refractive index stuff so they're my prescription without being heavy, and while they have the odd chip, they're good enough to get me through some services until I get over to Iconic Eyes and get some glasses made. These were only $3. I love it when things work out that way. 

I wasted some time looking in the antique stores, finding a flute and a clarinet but nothing trumpety. 

I then rode South on Lincoln to Willow to First, and down to Walmart. Did my "Weekly Wal". Then rode back downtown to the Amazon place for bubble mailers, and picked up a bunch of books as I wended my way back, stopped for coffee and peanuts at Nijiya and talked a bit with a Filipino guy, then rode back here. 

My sun hat is not up to the strong winds here, and I'd say it's good for the middle of the day when the sun really beats down, and later in the day my high-vis ball cap is the one to wear, because the stiff bill doesn't flip up in the wind and I can keep the sun out of my eyes. 

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