Wednesday, June 12, 2024

A crepe pan

 I was up pretty late, brushed and flossed but didn't practice. I hoped to be up early but my staying up so late kind of precluded that. I woke up at 8AM wide awake, but then "rested my eyes" and woke up again at 11:30. The night-time and daytime schedules are fighting it out. 

Ebay sucks right now and I need to get out busking more or at least practicing diligently every day, because that's what I can personally count on. Ken can go on losing money for years but I believe the lease runs out in a couple-few more years and then what happens? 

My conversion process will take time. According to "Confused Jew" on YouTube, American Jews, even converts, are pretty welcome. We can be counted on to keep our noses clean and vote Likud,  I guess. 

I really wish I'd kept up some progress on the conversion process during Covid, but hindsight is 20/20. I'd hate to have to deal with conversion in a political atmosphere where America's version of Dachau is starting operations and then I suppose the US would annex part of Mexico (rhyming with Germany's taking of half of Poland) to put the actual mass-production death camps into. Or, the US being big enough, taking some of the more sparsely-populated flyover states like the Dakotas or Idaho and setting up the mass death camps there. 

This is why I think moving to Hawaii will not get me out of this. In Hawaii, being white-appearing makes me a target. There's no amount of worn aloha shirts and pairs of cheap "Locals" slippers I can wear that will make me anything but a target. Plus Hawaii's rotten with Christianity. It's kind of part of the South with coconut trees. 

Last night I made some little pocket things with cheese and chive filling, using won ton wrappers. They were OK, but I want to make the actual traditional blintzes, using a proper crepe pan or at least a frying pan. Making omelets in a saucepan is a big compromise. 

I packed the 4 small things that had to get sent and, with my "reserve" $20 bill back in my wallet, took off for the post office to mail the things, then 99 Ranch where all the frying pans are expensive. 

Next I went to H Mart where they were also all expensive but the "Hello!" brand had inexpensive ones and since I've been using "Hello!" saucepans for years now,  I got the smallest one - still big - and had money left over for a cucumber. 

I went around to a couple places and gathered a big bag of bubble wrap and picked up a package of Romaine lettuce from the veggie dumpster, and got back in here. Once things were put away etc. I made a nice omelet with a ricotta and poblano pepper (this last from the dumpster yesterday) filling. It came out great. 

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