I can't even get a night's sleep without this country pulling some crazy shit while I'm not awake. Of course it pulls crazy shit while I'm awake too.
I wake up, turn on the radio, and the Supreme Court, stacked with fascists as it is, has decided that everyone's got the right to carry a concealed weapon all the time, everywhere.
Even in the Old West towns, full of ex-Civil War hardcases as they were, generally had rules that when you came into town you checked your guns in with the sheriff. At least your pistols, and generally everything because who wants to lug a rifle or shotgun around?
Lugging a damn pistol's bad enough. I've carried concealed and it's a pain. Damn thing digs into your side, and now of course you're carrying something worth more on the black market than any iPhone.
Goddamnit now I have to consider getting a holster for the ol' Glock, along with, I think, it's a set of decent sights, and this trigger transfer bar thing that takes the trigger pull from 8+ lb and atrocious to 4+ lb and rather decent. I haven't even taken the thing out of its plastic tub and hope I never have to. But here we are.
M-Squad's a great old black-and-white TV series. Back when I lived at the old shop and didn't have internet and Fry's had cool old TV series on DVD for a song, I had the boxed set of M-Squad. It was great, great music, Lee Marvin when he was still relatively young, and every purse seemed to contain a snub-nosed revolver or one of those .32 automatics. Where do you think all those came from? Anyone who's dealt in guns a couple of decades ago knows there were tons of the things made and carries, apparently, as "pocket or purse" guns.
Is that what we're getting back to? The crime and violence rate was *much* higher back then. This is what people don't seem to want to remember. People want the 1950s back and don't seem to be thinking it through, that the 1950s mean segregation, a high crime rate, being able to order pistols through the mail, Presidential assassinations...
The 1950s sucked. To give an example, my dad hated IBM. HATED it. This would be 1950s IBM, and my oldest sis was born in 1957. I'm pretty sure it was because while my father was a pure-bred WASP, my mom was quite brown and we kids were pretty brown too. This made him un-employable to IBM and they probably told him so in so many words. That was the 1950s.
I listed 20 things on Ebay last night and got over an hour's practice in. This is what I need to do; practice at least an hour a day, plus figure out why I'm shit at the octave exercise these days.
I got 7 things packed, took them up to the post office and FedEx, stopped in at the falafel place for a yogurt drink, and found a large bag's worth of packing stuff from the circuit board place.
"Recon" showed the bountiful dumpster was worth a visit, so after coming back here to drop things off, I went back with the trailer and got about $250 worth of stuff, so that's nice. That dumpster is "bountiful" enough that I could seriously consider going on my own with a combination of busking and selling stuff I pick out of there, but the trouble is, Ebay's non-compete system means even if I rented a place downtown, used a new computer, etc. they'd still shut both Ken and I down. I'm really only safe, and sure of not killing Ken's business, if I set up over in Hawaii and even then, better to wait a year or so first.
I also got two onions from behind H Mart, and some strawberries from the veggie dumpster. And a big bag of broccoli that I took back here and sorted out the good pieces from, trimmed, and made up two bags of one meal each, and tossed the rest. Also the birds will dine on a Whopper from burger king someone at the welding place didn't even touch.
What a different world it's become! In the 70s when I was a kid, someone throwing away a Whopper, untouched, was unheard of. That's a person's food for a whole day. There wasn't a lot of fruit sitting around unpicked, the seashore was close to "fished out", and there were next to no stray dogs and cats. The present-day feral chicken problem in Hawaii wasn't even a thing - I never saw or heard a single feral chicken.
How are people born after 1980 going to cope when it turns into the lean mean 70s again?
But getting back to my going back on Ebay on my own - who am I fooling? I want to be as "off the grid" as possible. Let's say I played by the rules, maybe took some summer classes somewhere reputable, like Stanford ....
Oops, even the mighty Stanford can't prevail against our ongoing collapse...
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