I did some octave exercises, read "The Martian", and went to bed. It rained a bit overnight/early AM so that was nice.
I woke up around 3, so I got some good sleep. I read Reddit like a daily newspaper and at the Meridian Safeway in Willow Glen, an "upscale" neighborhood, an employee got shot early in the morning by a shoplifter who'd taken some alcohol. People stealing alcohol was really common in the downtown one so this does not surprise me. An employee giving his life in trying to prevent Safeway from losing a tiny bit of profit doesn't surprise me either.
A lot of shoplifters steal to sell the stuff they take. But in the case of alcohol, in Safeway the really expensive stuff is in a locked case. About the most expensive thing out on the shelves might be a handle of Stoli. A desperate alcoholic can get by drinking mouthwash, but that stuff's nasty (never had to resort to it myself) and if the guy didn't have money for mouthwash and has to steal, might as well steal something decent.
One argument is if the guy had a gun, how come he didn't sell the gun first before getting this desperate? But these days, if you have a gun, you hang onto that thing. We all know our "Years Of Lead" are coming. And alcohol withdrawals can kill. So it's just stupid for an employee to, like an old-time Russian serf, equate his life with a couple liters of vodka.
It's confusing, Googling the story, as it was one of two shootings on the same night, but Willow Glen, an "upscale" neighborhood, has had more than one instance of two shootings in a night, in the last few years. That's just how it is now.
I went out for some shopping at about 5:30 in the afternoon, having to stay a block or so behind a zombie on a bike until the zombie turned onto the street leading to one of the large zombie camps. Did my shopping, spending $40 so there went my budget, and rode past Tom's place thinking he might be back and we could shoot the shit for a while.
Tom was not back, his bum friend he was no doubt paying to watch the place was there with a couple of other bum vehicles so who knows what will be missing when Tom returns. I'm sure I'll hear all about it. I thought about returning the short way, along the street the old shop is on, but there were two pretty ragged looking zombies on bikes heading my, one dragging a Max Max type trailer. I made it look like I was going to turn into the street, with the zombies no doubt happily anticipating an ambush, then at the last minute turned away back onto the main road and rode into a large parking lot with tech co's and lots of cameras - I looked as I turned in and they hadn't followed. Have I mentioned my hatred of the undead?
Yep, my budget for this week was ... not so great. I'm putting $70 in the bank. Although, most people *wish* they were putting $70 in the bank each week. And $20 of my overspending was some more zip ties for the shop, a package of which lasts at least 3 years. Even if I stay an extra year, we won't run out of zip ties before I leave.
Dinner was the frilly lettuce cooked with garlic and butter and 1/3 lb of shrimp. Of course it was delicious. And probably at least as good, fiber-wise, as broccoli.
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