I know what they want to do because I know how they think, and I know *that* because essentially at one time I was one of them, or at least tried to be.
First: What they want: They want white babies; all the white babies that can possibly be brought into the world. They don't care how destitute or disadvantaged, they just want tons of white babies. WHITE BABIES.
They want these tons of white babies because they believe that whites are inherently less crime-prone, and inherently prone to "Aryan thought", in the same way a sparrow instinctively knows how to make a sparrow's nest.
They feel, or hope, or to hell with it let's get those white babies brought into the world and we'll work it out later... but the idea among those of them who think that far ahead is that soon there will be whites-only foster homes and group homes and so on, like the Lebensborn system in Nazi Germany.
They are not worried that abortion bans affect nonwhites more, as, in their practical view of the world, a nonwhite baby is easily removed from their nice white world with 1 bullet. So hordes of unwanted nonwhite babies worry them not a white. Bang bang bang.
How I know this: Having grown up in Hawaii and living through my family falling into deep poverty and having read too many books and thus being burdened with higher than average intelligence, and Hawaii being, at least in my formative years, very "tribal" in terms of race, I was naturally attracted to the late-19th/early 20th century bastardizations of biology and sociology that the Nazis were swayed by.
I tried to join the John Birch Society in Hawaii which was easy as the guy next door was a member. But I fished around to see if they were racist, as I thought they should be, but they are not. Crackpots, but not racist crackpots. When I moved to the mainland which I figured was my lucky break, I looked around the skinhead scene in Huntington Beach. They disappointed me as they were mainly concerned with fighting other skinheads who wore red Doc Marten books as opposed to black Doc Marten boots, when they weren't beating up the occasional swarthy Indian guy at the beach, who wasn't harming anyone. I heard of exactly zero of them helping a little old lady cross the street, or taking up collections for poor white children, as I thought they should.
I subscribed to The National Review and then a magazine called Instauration, which is a big impressive word that just means to restore something. A magazine based on white supremacy and the supremacy of white culture. I also subscribed to the Ben Klassen's Church Of The Creator magazine, Racial Loyalty. "It's great to be white!" said the masthead. It was OK, I thought. I'd been treated as white in Hawaii so I thought of myself as white. Employment where I was, in Southern California, was pretty racially divided too, so I hung onto the job I had like a limpet, although I hated it. I was the most productive tech, the least paid, and the only white tech.
Right here right now I'm going to say that employment in the US and employment in Hawaii especially, is very race-based. But I am about to retire and will not have to fight for a job so I get to sidestep that. Also, since employment is race-based, instead of bitching about it, either find plenty of people of your group to schmooze with to get work, or start your own business. And be a good worker in either case so they'll almost have to hire or employ you.
I guess it was the NSDAP/AO which was the Nazis, American Office, through which I got in touch with the local liason, a guy up in Los Angeles. I hopped on my motorcycle and rode up there, and we spent an afternoon shooting his pellet gun in his backyard, and joking about his senile dad maybe eating the Snarol snail bait as breakfast cereal. I also learned the trick of, when answering mail correspondence, cutting the return address out and pasting it on as the address you send your reply to.
The National Review introduced me to the idea that even conservatives can see the medical benefit of marijuana, with an article by one of their main writers about smuggling it in to his ailing father in the hospital.
Instauration actually did something to shake me out of my wrong race beliefs. One writer pointed out that if you go to a black ghetto, you'll see people lazing around (no surprise where there's no work for generations and in hot weather especially, why not laze around and socialize?) and if you go to a white area you see people hurrying around busily (no surprise again, these people tended at least in the 80s to have jobs) but if you go to an Asian city, they hurry around even more and are busy into the night. (Again true, this would be a couple years before the Plaza Accords and Asia was red-hot, economically.) He pointed out that as "we" are to blacks, Asians are to us. That if the most superior people are the most industrious, well, "we" whites are only the middle of the pack and it's Asians who can claim superiority.
I eventually let my subscriptions lapse and found other things to worry about. I got into a sport, and sports are fairly color-blind. Looking back, I was able to pal around with nonwhite athletes routinely, where this was not a thing among my team-mates who were white. And hell, I may have been treated as white in Hawaii growing up, but at most I'm "White enough for California, at least for now".
I don't believe any of the things I used to. Whites, or any certain race or coloration, are not inherently more or less industrious or crime-prone or intelligent or not so. It's all culture. And saying "white culture" is just a cop-out because again, not only had Asia had cultures that are more sophisticated and for thousands of years, but white culture or any culture, is a byproduct of physical conditions, climate, development of cities, trade routes, etc. So you can't "But, Calculus!" me, as it appears the Chinese even invented *that* first.
But I know how the Right thinks, and I know they really don't care how many bodies they pile up to achieve it. I mean Soviet + German bodies on the Eastern front numbers here. More than that, if they need to. Nazis were and are "ecologists" and the right-wing underpinnings of the "health food" movement would startle a lot of old hippies if they knew about it. White supremacists don't mind a bit the idea of killing off the larger part of the Earth's population that's not white. They don't even see non-pure-Aryans as human.
Get talking to your average Nazi in a bar and they won't be able to tell you all of this so eloquently as I have clumsily written out here. They're unspoken core beliefs. Culture-deep.
So on a day-to-day, nuts and bolts level, how are things likely to proceed and how best to deal with them? Roe v. Wade is just the beginning. The next step is laws against someone in an abortion-illegal state, escaping to a sanctuary state to get an abortion. Fugitive slave laws will be the framework here. Gay marriage will be next because the right-wing belief if that if white gay boys are just discouraged enough, they'll buckle down and father 10 white kids like they should. Needless to say interracial marriage will be banned, and then comes the question of whether existing interracial marriages will be annulled and any punishment meted out. The answers here are "yes".
2024 may be our last election that's not just for show. In the way Hitler got himself voted in and then closed that door, we can expect a very "colorful" 2024 election. I think it most likely that if all the votes are counted, there will be a democratic landslide given that most people don't want to live in the country the Right envisions. Most Germans didn't want to live under the Nazis either, and we all know how well that worked out.
The overarching answer to all of this is to get out of the US if possible. It's problematic because there are not likely very many places that want hundreds of thousands or millions of Americans. In reality only the super smart, wealthy, and well-connected will be able to get out. You will probably be wealthy or a super achiever or both. But there's still hope, say you're a stewardess on an American plane on the other side of the world and the US takes another one of its lurches toward extreme Fascism and the pilot and co-pilot decide that's enough, they're turning the plane and landing in a sanctuary country. So you're a fairly average person and you got out; lucky you.
Most of us are stuck here in Leviathan. Best to not have kids, arm up, and move within the US while it's still possible. That's what I'm doing, moving home to Hawaii. But in case the door shuts faster than I can deal with, at least I'm here in the nation-state of California.
So last night after finding, cleaning, sifting and sorting etc. of things, I decided not to list them but instead went through the box of books I had set aside to sell, and cleaned up stickers and erased penciled-in prices and so on, and today I took them, probably 30lbs of the things, over to the used book store. I got $3 cash. This was a set of really good books, and at least one of them had been bought from them, and they only bought two and those two for $3.
I took the books they didn't buy, keeping one to read myself after all, and put them in the little free pantry box on 7th. Then I went over to Dai Thanh and got a few things for $8 and got $40 cash back. So I had $46 in cash which ought to cover any Wal-Mart shopping trip.
I went to Wal-Mart and got all kinds of things, including some neat finds like they have large cans of boiled peanuts, and some Greek olive medley that might be good, and 2 six-packs of diet 7Up. For some reason it's cheaper to buy 3L of it at Wal's than a 2L from H Mart. When I got to the check out it was $47 and change so I used my card. That means I'm only saving a bit less than $50 in the bank this week. But I'll be able to save more next week.
Among the Wal-Mart things was a little package of salami slices and a 1/2 liter bottle of Diet Pepsi. I'd only had coffee and a handful of nuts to start my day. I sat and ate those at one of the tables across from where Cafe Stritch used to be, where at least it's a little bit cool. I got talking with a couple of guys about comedians and movies and the Blues Brothers and stuff so that was pretty cool. That used to be a thing; to hang out in that area and talk with people.
I toodled on home, and got back without any problems and just put things away. Now I don't need to spend any money on anything until after I get paid next week.
And, backing up what I just talked about, Trump gave a speech and Rep. Mary Miller of Illinois, a Trump endorsee, praised the Roe v. Wade decision as "A victory for white life" so this is out on national TV and on news sources all over the world. I wonder how many old Germans are cringing?
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