Friday, August 20, 2021

Out the door at 4.

 111th day sober. I was so tired last night, I went to bed by 7AM which means I got a full 8 hours' sleep because I got up at 3. 

Reflecting on something I saw on Reddit last night ... a guy complained because he got "busted" by a cop for smoking a cigarette out on the street in Santa Cruz. It's OK to smoke in your car with all the windows open, of course, just not OK to smoke a cigarette out on the street. In theory I guess this applies to anything you can smoke. 

So: If you have at least a car, you're not at the bottom of society yet. If you're middle-class or higher, you're not smoking cigarettes, which are a vice of the underclass now. You're going to a cigar or hookah lounge. Even if you're smoking pot habitually, you're not at the bottom because that stuff's still expensive, and bums just don't have money for pot - which is not addictive the way cigs are anyway. 

So, if you're smoking a cig out on the street you're almost certainly a member of the underclass and according to the mores of our class-bound society, deserve to get "busted". (The guy actually just got a warning from the cop.)

I was out the door at (a little after) 4, and dropped off a dozen packages at the downtown post office. Then I just went over to Whole Foods and made up a dish of beans and meat and mushrooms from the hot bar and went upstairs for an alcohol-free beer to drink with my meal. They had a new one, "Athletic Brewing Free Wave" that was pretty good - best near-beer I've had so far. 

It wasn't very busy for a Friday night, though. When I was done eating I walked up to the book store and asked the guy if they take full sets of manga as I have the complete set of Buddha by Osamu Tezuka and I'm never gonna work my way through that thing. They said they sure take complete manga sets and I said all I want for it is store credit anyway. 

I got a new "detail sanding" thing for "detail sanding" my fingernails and looked around in the drug store but didn't find anything I wanted. On my way back to Whole Foods a bum asked me for "any spare change" and I said, "OK, any change I have in my pocket is yours" and dug down - the result being about $2 in change, not bad. The guy was happy to get it. 

I futzed around drinking coffee and reading The Metro and listening in on weird conversations around me and when I finally started playing it was a quarter to 7. Plus, the electricity had gone out at Whole Foods momentarily and they had to reset their computers or something so that had people waiting outside to get in and lots of people walking off. The bad thing about this is, of course they're all talking about it on social media so even if it only took a few minutes to get back operational, a lot of customers simply didn't come. 

I'd just started in playing Amazing Grace when a guy came up from behind and dropped a $10 in the box and said something like, "How 'bout I give you $10 and you don't play Amazing Grace?" I shrugged and said, "OK, I can do that". So I played everything *but* Amazing Grace this night. 

I got more tips of course but it was slow, and got slower. I kept at it for the full 4 hours or close enough, and I don't think I got a tip at all during the last 1/2-hour. 

I counted up and I'd made $35.04. That actually puts me at just under $120 for the weekend and that's only with two days playing. 

I took off at just about 9, and rode around downtown a bit and it's dead everywhere. Actually, if one doesn't mind the drunks, the "Panda Wall" on 1st street looked decent for busking. There were people walking around, and a trumpet would resonate well there. That's probably about the best place to busk after Whole Foods, and no one's busked there for ages. But I used to hang out there with Recorder Ron and it was surprising how much money actually got dropped into his coffee can. 

I rode back here and got all involved figuring out where to put a bunch of little industrial computers we have, and how to list them by serial number, a thing Ken is big on. I listed half of them tonight and can do the other half tomorrow. 

I checked the mouse trap upstairs and - another darned mouse. A big one this time, and a couple of nights ago I'd caught two small ones at the same time on that trap. I'm beginning to think we've got a bit of a mouse problem. What's bad is, I think there's a fair amount of space between the floor of the loft and the ceiling of the office, that could be all mouse living space.

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