312th day sober. Between packing things, listing things on Ebay, and practicing, I was up past 10AM. At least I had this big oscilloscope I had to ship all packed so I knew when I got up all I had to do was "load and go"
I tried making miso ramen from a tub of miso I had around here - months old, too, but smelled OK. For noodles I took these fried tofu pouches I'd bought and sliced those up. They don't have the same texture at all but they work fine as something to put in the soup. I also put in onions, 2 kinds of seaweed, garlic, and some slices of chashu. It was pretty good.
Before going to bed I practiced at least an hour on the flute headjoint, working on the octave exercise. It's not as easy as I originally thought. I watched a video by James Galway where he was demonstrating it to a class and said he had his first serious teacher tell him to do nothing but that for a month! And in those days, he said, if a music teacher told you to do something, you did it with no questioning and no argument. So I'm prepared to spend a lot of time doing this one.
I woke up at about 6:45. I had to be out the door at 7 to get the big box to FedEx by 8. I probably set some kind of a personal record fixing up coffee and aspirin for breakfast, pumping up one of the bike trailer tires, checking on things on Ebay, and getting out of here.
On my way out along Old Bayshore, wouldn't you know it, there were two zombies on the sidewalk. I tried to look as mean as possible because it was two against one, and I think because I'd surprised them, they didn't have time to decide to attack so they let me pass, bewilderedly.
I dropped off the 'scope and picked up a couple of tomato boxes and then went over to the falafel place and ordered a gyro and got a yogurt drink since they were out of diet peach Snapple - darn! The gyro was really good this time, with lots of tomatoes in it.
Next I headed back home, by way of the medical place. Oops! - there was en employee there, coming out and getting into his car. I talked with him a bit, asking if it's an EMT school there, and talking about some of my escapades with regard to helping out people with medical problems. He'd asked if I was looking for recycling and I said that was the least of my interest, as it was packing materials I was after.
To cover that I was really interested in "his" dumpster, I checked the other one there that I almost never check. There were a lot of textbooks thrown out so I gathered those up. As for the medical dumpster, I got a couple of boxes of little packets of aspirin and some alcohol wipes for Ken.
I found some other neat packing stuff at other places and was well loaded up by the time I got back here. I put the packing stuff away and stacked the tomato boxes, now full of textbooks, in the office. I got set up with my wash tub and cardboard on the floor etc and washed my head/hair, shaved, then washed the rest of me, and then cut up and threw away that cardboard, the stuff I use under my futon and that was getting kind of "tired". I cut a new piece from one of the really big boxes left out on the side of the complex.
I quickly vacuumed the office and scrubbed the toilet and the usual things on the day Ken comes over, and Ken called and said he'd be late. So I got to work packing things to take to the post office tomorrow and was almost finished with the last one when Ken came by.
He had more surplus auction finds, like a big argon laser and a thing with two big motors on a base which I took apart on the tailgate of Ken's truck while he fiddled around with the laser. He wants to try powering it up to make sure it works before we part it out.
Ken didn't even want to rest and have a cup of tea, so what talking we got done was done while working. But he doesn't sound like he's having money problems, and he has been communicating with the landlord OK. And of course I got my check.
Once Ken was gone I put the side panels and top back on the laser, and although that gyro had been a pretty good meal, I felt hungry so I got out a can of tuna and had tuna salad. With yogurt drink.
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