Tuesday, March 22, 2022

She's soft on child porn.

 325th day sober. I woke up around noon, which makes sense given I went to bed around 4AM. I got 15 Ebay things listed, and got things out of the warehouse that need to be packed and shipped. 

I got in *some* practice on the flute headjoint while watching YouTube, and I'm beginning to think the octaves exercise is becoming more controllable. I'm keeping in mind that James Galway's first real teacher told him to not play at all but to just do this exercise for a month. 

I switched on the radio and the hearings about Biden's new prospective Supreme Court judge are on. She sounds very impartial and skilled, but the Republicans, for some reason, are concentrating on a few cases where, according to them, she was soft on child porn offenders. This puzzles me because Republicans love child porn and love fucking kids. 

I remember the flap around the 2018 election where it came out into the open that among the white-trash Republican base, even wealthy white-trash, it's perfectly acceptable to rape your buddy's 12-year-old daughter as long as you marry her afterward. This is why there's been a history among these inbreds of 12 and 13 year old wives and why white-trash hero Jerry Lee Lewis was genuinely surprised when he went overseas and people looked askance at his wife being maybe 14 years old, and a bride at 12 or 13. 

So maybe the Republicans are just making a show, and secretly glad it's her and not some fire-and-brimstone type from their own ranks who doesn't believe in sex before the age of 40 or some damn thing, because types like that exist also. "Soft" in these cases means she applied a lesser sentence than the prosecutors wanted. In this crazy country, you can go down for life for child porn for taking pictures of your own children at the beach. 

In fact, I owe my having employment to a sex offender. A guy, some friend of a friend or something, of Ken's, who isn't too smart and was seduced by a 14-year-old girl. So he was put on the registry and could not get any work. But he could get work taking stuff apart for Ken and that's how I got into this - Ken would bring me stuff to take apart on the theory I might do it better, plus I believe the sex-offender guy got some job with more of a future, like washing dishes. That shows what tier electronics work is - if you're not fit enough to make it through a day in the dish pit, you do electronics instead. 

Of course my idea in leaving Gilroy and moving up here to live in the shop and work for Ken was that I'd be in the "big city" to do busking. The work for Ken has turned out to be a long-term lifeline and now it's just a matter of waiting out a few more years until I can retire. Plus it's taken years, it turns out, to develop some real busking skills. 

I had time to pack all 17 things I'd rounded up last night, and got those over to FedEx and the post office, and got some sashimi and gum at H Mart, at the sashimi sitting at this little bench out front that mostly the workers use, then took off up Oakland Road/13th for downtown. 

I'd not been down that way for a while so it was interesting to see all the funky old buildings and interesting hole-in-the-wall restaurants and businesses. I took it all the way to San Fernando then hooked a right and over to 3rd and went to the Amazon place where I picked up my new Protec trumpet gig bag. It came in a huge box of course, so I took it out and bundled up the plastic bag it was in and all the tags and so on, got the shoulder strap set up, and put it on my back. 

The ride back was uneventful, no books to pick up, and kind of boring. So I rode around the corner by Grill-'em to look for packing stuff and there was, at the place that builds shipping boxes. So I went back here and offloaded stuff and got the bike trailer and went back over and got the packing stuff. On the way out I rode behind one of the security guard cars which was kind of funny. 

I also cut up some huge boxes in the dumpster enclosure and put them into the dumpster, as well and throwing some stuff away in it. I'm sure the people who are paying for that dumpster know what's going on, but they're also seeing these random people who drive up and dump stuff in there, and the bums who go in there and make a mess at times. So I'm using their dumpster, but in a way I'm paying for it by keeping things neat. 

I'd wanted to go get the trumpet gig bag tonight because then tonight or tomorrow night I can move the trumpet and various things connected with it over to that bag and stash the big case upstairs. And my cornet bag has arrived at Ken's which means he should bring it tomorrow night and I can put the cornet in it with various things like valve oil. I've already gotten rid of the smelly case the cornet came in. 

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