Saturday, January 8, 2022

Reid-Hillview Airport

 251st day sober. I was up at 11, and got out of here at a bit past 12, to check out a chicken place called "Jollibee" I kept hearing about. It's on Tully, 'way down past where I got my covid booster, but at least I knew how to get there.

It was a long ride, so I'm not doing that again, but it went OK. It was cold and cloudy and I started out with my jacket zipped up and gloves on, and pretty soon took the gloves off and had my jacket open once the clouds burned off and it warmed up a bit. 

The chicken place was OK. I got two pieces of chicken and some noodles for about $12 which is about the same as any fast food. A meal at McDonald's, which is more expensive than Denny's, would cost more. The place was busy and I think the main draw is that it's a popular place in the Philippines so it's a taste of home for a lot of people. 

After eating I rode around Reid-Hillview airport, which is a small, private-plane only, place. And by private planes, small ones like Cessnas, there weren't any Learjets etc. around. Just tons of Cessnas, Mooneys, at least one Piper Cub, etc. And I saw a Rutan, which is a weird looking plane all right. 

I got a cup of coffee and a neat calendar with planes on it at one place, and basically rode around looking at all the sleepy little businesses that are around, and then decided to ride back downtown by going North from there. 

I ended up, eventually, on Capitol which is an expressway so kind of boring on a bike, turned West on Story, and rode that to the notorious King & Story area which is supposed to be "really super bad". In truth, I'd say it's more like "really super Hispanic" and the worst thing I saw was a bum leaning against a telephone pole like he was tired, but he was actually pissing. 

I turned North again on King and rode along until I got to Mabury then realized Mabury is actually Hedding or something and I'd overshot downtown. So I circled back, finding some really peaceful streets like 22nd and 17th and so on, eventually getting onto Santa Clara. 

I stopped at Medex to buy a shoe polish applicator brush as I remembered them having a lot of shoe-shining stuff. That store is still amazing, as they have so many things crammed in there including what looks like a knock-off of a Bialetti coffee maker for $10 I might consider getting, but no more shoe shining stuff. 

I got to the actual downtown area and got a few things at Dai Thanh, then headed home getting a couple things at Nijiya, then really was headed home. As always, I passed by the "Liquid Chicken" truck and decided to, finally, try their food. 

So I got their #3, which was $14. When I got home I discovered this to be a bowl of pickle slices. Under the pickle slices, there was a sliced-up chicken tender, bits of cole slaw sprinkled around, and a bed of french fries. It was decent, nothing special. So now I've tried their food, too. 

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