Tuesday, October 1, 2024

When I'm in Tel Aviv I can breathe easy

 AQI in San Jose as I type, almost 100. In Tel Aviv? About 20. 

I woke up at noon - Needed the sleep! I took the things I'd packed that were small and needed to go to the post office, and took those to the post office downtown. Then I swung by Good Karma Bikes and dropped off a couple of 23c-25c 700c tubes I had that I'll never use. I had a shopping list with me too, and they had two of the things on it: a couple of 20 inch and a couple of 16 inch tubes. So I got those for $35 or so. 

Then I went to Whole Foods to get something to eat, and of course some wine. The stuff I got, some kind of baked chicken, was over-salted which is unusual for them. I really couldn't eat much of it. At least I'd gotten broccoli with it and could use that to sop up the chicken grease. 

Next was O'Reilley's. They don't sell valve cores but they well whole valves I can take the cores out of and they came with neat caps too. And some hose clamps. And hand cleaner - GOOP isn't a thing any more but this stuff appears to be the same sort of thing. 

Then over to Upshift Cycles. They had *one* 16-inch tire. Hm. So I rode over to Bike Express and they had two, sort of mountain bike type but at least they're the same. One was marked $20 and one was marked $15 so I got them both for $15 each. 

I'd stopped at Nijiya for a can of cold coffee on my way downtown, and I stopped there again for another can of cold coffee. It was hot out there! 

I got back here and put things away, then it was time to be a bike mechanic. Changing out the tires and tubes on the trailer went fairly well except I wasn't careful with the levers and pinch-flatted one tube so I got out one of my backups and installed that and will fix the one I damaged. This is why I like to keep lots of tubes around. 

I loaded up the things that go to FedEx since it was too late for the post office, took them there, found packing stuff on the way back, and came back here for another unload. 

I rested a little and then went back to H mart to lock the bike, and walked over to Ross and picked out a long-sleeved shirt. And got a few things at Sprouts. I came back here and dug out things to pack and ship, and eventually realized I was very hungry (it feels a bit different on the keto diet) and made keto sushi rolls using cream cheese and smoked salmon from Sprouts and seaweed I've got here. They were pretty good. 

I pre-packed all the things except one large thing, and picked out 10 things to list tomorrow. 

While out riding I thought of an excellent way to think about Ebay. It's like fishing. You put lines out when you list things. Something selling is like getting a fish into the boat. If you don't clean the fish you get into the boat and get 'em on ice, they spoil. A fish in the boat is a thing that's sold and needs to be shipped out. So, sometimes, when a lot of fish are coming in, you have to pay attention to that rather than putting out more lines. 

I don't think Ebay cares how many things you list, but once you've sold something, there are real repercussions for not getting that thing shipped out fast. And that's why I didn't list anything yesterday or today. 

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