Thursday, October 3, 2024


 I'd packed one large thing last night and woke up in time to pack another large thing and take them over to FedEx. 

Then I cleaned myself up and took off around 2? 3? Not sure. Anyway I went to Whole Foods and  bought more water and picnic type stuff, meaning a couple of cucumbers, some olives and stuff from the olive bar, a package of little bottles of wine, a couple cans of seltzer, and some feta cheese. The containers they're using now for the olive bar are awful, so I spent the $12 to get a really nice Oxo container. 

I had a couple of beef sticks and a tall can of Trumer Pils beer because damn it was hot.  I had a nice little talk with a couple, German (him) and Swiss (her) who are riding their bikes from Seattle to Los Angeles. Apparently they fly over here, buy bikes and stuff, then sell or donate the bikes when they're done.

I had to ride down to "Oak Park" which is next to "Vasona Park" in Los Gatos. The ride was OK just very long. I got there a little bit late but they were off to a late start. Unfortunately, the ba'al tekiah "was given the day off" so, no shofar service. I piped up and said I could do it but the rabbi was like, Nah. 

We did this thing where we dropped pebbled into the "rushing rapids" of the Los Gatos stream, and I had some I'd picked up at an intersection. After dropping one by mistake, I dropped one for cussing, one for talking smack about Ha'aretz, one for being misled by online influence-peddlers, and one more for cussing. 

Then we got out our picnic foods but after all the riding I only ate a little. Everyone schmoozed around a lot and that was nice. At one point I was telling a couple of ladies about the "keto" diet and they both said enthusiastically that they're following that, then one offered the other apple cobbler and they shared cookies back and forth. That's not how it works, ladies! 

The ride home was super long. It didn't help things that I forgot to turn off of Blossom Hill road and went pretty far before I realized it. then turned around and got back to ... the campground. It turns out Bascom Road is Los Gatos Road down there.

I stopped at an office supply place and got a lot of page protectors, and at a Nob Hill for some roast beef for tomorrow night, and at an Indian market for sesame seeds which were super cheap, like $6 for two 14 oz. bags. 

I stopped at Whole Foods to use the loo and look around, but anything I wanted to get, I can get tomorrow. 

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