Monday, October 14, 2024

Reddit is back, for now

 I believe web pages can tell what page you came from, or were at just before you went to them. The idea was that it would help networking, there were things called "web rings" for instance. So last night I was kicked off of Reddit. I filed a report, and now I can read Reddit again. But I wonder if it's because I'd gone to Reddit from a Ha'aretz article. So I will have to make sure to read my Ha'aretz stuff then maybe check Ebay, then go to Reddit. 

I'm glad for this for now because Reddit is a news/information aggregator par excellence. For instance, today I was able to read not only that Karl Marx was a rabid antisemite, but able to read his actual writings. Wow. Yikes. The left, *that* left, is as dead to me now as the Republican Party is. 

I also treasure subreddits like r/aliyah. I seemed to have astounded Mr. Snider Saturday night telling him my plan is to finish my conversion then retire in Israel. It'd be worth it for the access to medical care alone, but there are literally hundreds of things I could list that are advantages there. 

The news lurches on. Donnie Diapers is allowing open display of Nazi symbols at his rallies, swastikas on T-shirts and flags, also the Nazi salute although we know he's long encouraged that one. 

And much discussion of Israel's problems. I think my own wish list would be for Israel to occupy Gaza, citing the Allies' occupation of Germany post-WWII as a model. Put a civilized gov't in charge, form one, and give it free rein to de-activate radicals/terrorists. Same goes for Judea and Samaria. And for Lebenon, it's time for a good old regime change. Same goes for Irain, is the Shah still around. Let's get the House of Pahlavi in there again. 

I'm studying the hell out of the propositions on my ballot. So far I've got Reddit's take on them, am getting KQED's, then will look up the "Jewish Voting Guide" or whatever it is. KQED is doing a good discussion of them, 3-4 per day at 1-2 in the afternoon. 

When they're not broadcasting a bunch of tear-jerking propaganda about those poor, poor, Arabs who just can't help sending rockets and drones into Israel and stabbing, shooting, and exploding Israelis when they can. I wish Bibi had just leveled Gaza starting at 1 minute into the 8th of October, to be completes 2 days later. That's how you win wars. 

My plan to be a Jew in Israel (or at least be a Jew here) is sure different from my plan when I lived at the old shop. I was buying episodes of Treme on DVD at Fry's, and got really into the show because it was about New Orleans. I might even still have my book and CD by "Doctor Saxtrum" around here. I'd worked out which streetcar would take me around to things I'd need like the VA and the Social Security office. I'd looked endlessly at living places for musicians or which would at least prioritize them. 

I was making real plans. I'd take the train there, in good old fashion. It was why I followed a certain musician there for far too long. These days it's like an accident scene. It's gruesome but it's hard not to look. 

Assume you're in New Orleans, given a free apartment with free food (plus know all the prime dumpster diving spots) and are surrounded by places with open mics, jam sessions, music stores, traditional bands, everything that makes for the good development of a musician. Even if one is white, one could put in the years and become like Professor Longhair, an institution. 

Assume instead you opt to take this fertile ground and alienate yourself with all the open mics, alienate yourself with all the established street bands, become only barely tolerated by the music stores and convenience stores and so on. Assume you opt to devote your time and energy to drink and hard drugs and extreme Right politics. 

I guess this happens. When someone goes to a place that's so easy to live in that they just fall apart. Maybe New Orleans would be too easy for me to live in, myself. But the hair-curling crime rate, Southern politics, and hurricanes have decided me on never going near the place. 


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