Wednesday, October 9, 2024

Less wine

 Last night once I was done with the things I was doing, I drank significantly less wine than the night before. And today my "mix" is 0% wine, 100% water with some lemon juice. (After drinking all sorts of drinks, diet sodas, etc I've actually settled on plain old water with a squirt of lemon juice being my favorite staple drink.) 

I now have what may be an oversupply of wine. I have a bottle of Crane Lake which is $4 stuff, a bottle of Chianti which is a very dry red. And 4 of those little bottles. My plan being to taper down to 1/2 bottle tonight, then on Friday night have emptied all 4 of the little bottles, and open and pour the Chianti into those, using 1 small bottle per Friday. One small bottle is one glass, conventionally. I can have one glass with my Friday night dinner, and thus even though the Chianti is about $14 a bottle, it'll last me almost a month. 

At that level I'm having wine on Shabbat, but not dependent on it. No more dry mouth when I wake up, shakiness, etc. My heart can relax. My blood pressure should go down. The last time I got off of drinking I'd told myself I could substitute all the coffee I want, and considering the strong chicory coffee I was drinking all day, this was not so good. I finally saw how dumb that was. Now it's just one cup of Elite (made in Israel) Instant when I get up that that's that. 

The news on the radio is the same-old same-old. It's like listening to reporting on WWII but from the Germans' side. Imagine it's 1943 and a major radio network is giving lots of airtime to Nazi sympathizers and agents. This was actually done by a minor radio network, the "Pacifica Network", home of KPFK, KPFA, etc. They actually did this, up until the actual declaration of war, then they reverted to being the "peace creeps" they are now - advocating peace, just be peaceful... (while the enemy kills millions of innocent people) that's the stance of the Buddhist temple I was associated with too. 

In fact the Buddhist temple isn't even "both sides now" neutral, it's actively pro-Hamas these days. I know this because they're showing Hamas propaganda movies and I'm sure, taking collections so Hamas can buy more bombs etc. 

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