Tuesday, July 2, 2024

Official Acts

 I've had overnight to think about this modern-day "Enabling Act" such as Hitler got, which allowed him to go into full dictator mode at one fell swoop. 

I don't think this is that bad, if it's interpreted correctly. For a president to have immunity for "official acts" makes sense. Would it be proper to throw Harry Truman in prison for having chosen to use the atom bomb in WWII? How about LBJ for "Project Linebacker" in Vietnam? I think the court has decided correctly in this case. 

Interpreted sanely, official acts within the framework of the law would be fine, but unofficial acts such as insurrection, treason, spying, and so on, would be punished. And Diaper Don has committed all of those and more. 

But the big industrialists, the same type who thought it best to put Hitler in power because they felt they could control him, are not happy with Biden's squeaking through some student loan relief, for getting insulin down to $35 a month, and such things. Within the restraints he's up against, Biden's been doing a great job. And that pisses off oligarchs. 

Hence my turning on the radio and there's more blather about replacing Biden with someone else, of course someone else more pliable or 99.9% likely, handing the reins over power over to Fat Orange. They really think they can control the syphilis-riddled madman. Or that they can control the Christian End-Of-The-Worldists who are clustered around Donnie Stinko. 

I practiced last night before bed, while watching the first half or so of "Hollywoodism", a neat documentary about Jews and Hollywood.

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