Sunday, July 21, 2024

It was good to know you, Joe

 Joe Biden has stepped down. I already miss him. He was *normal*. Just a good guy who wanted - and honestly tried - to do the right thing in all circumstances. He was normal, his cabinet was normal, he tried to have the smartest, most normal people around him. I'm still glad I sent $120 to the Dems over the last couple of weeks and I'll vote for whoever they put up (Kamala Harris as of this post) because I like my politics boring and predictable. 

Hawaii is a brutal place full of brutal people and in my 20s I've had eaten that MAGA crap up because I actually believed a coherent society could be made up of white people. The shit I got - and would get if I moved back - for being white in Hawaii radicalized me and it took me far too long to realize that whites, being hyper-individualistic and short-sighted as they are, are no group to throw myself in with. Iks who have air conditioning and cars, I call them as a shorthand way to describe white culture. 

But Hawaii is very tribal, and as lousy as whites are, they were the only group that helped me even a little bit, as they were my tribe. I voted by tribe and I did all things by tribe. So I voted for Reagan and fell for a lot of white-tribe politics. At least I eventually grew up. 

I've said out loud to Ken that I don't like Kamala Harris but the truth is, I don't know a lot about her. I'll say one thing: She's been very quiet. That's amazing in this age of politicians constantly going in and out of prison, being found to have committed heinous crimes, or merely parroting Nazi talking points. The only think I've heard about Kamala is some on the Left calling her "Copmala" because of her having been a cop, or siding with cops, or something like that. The modern Left has shit the bed and if they don't like her, maybe I do. 

I got an email from Pat's neighbor, Pat. Things are OK with Pat and his wife/live-in girlfriend, so I'm not sure what's going on. The neighbor said he's not free to say anything but that, that things are OK. So Pat's not dead or anything. He lives in a self-created cage of drama, and I get the impression the wife/GF is at least as bad. Complains about lack of money but then it starts a minor war if Pat tries to get her to think about doing some work to earn some. 

As long as I was moving back to Hawaii, being in contact with anyone in my old network was a good idea. Pat was an old friend from a forgotten time when people did things together. Maybe Pat's wife/GF doesn't like him associating, even emailing, with anyone else which is why the neighbor said he almost never talks to him. I'll just have to leave him to solve his own problems and wish him well. 


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Starting my Sunday the right way

 By sending $50 to the Harris campaign, of course!  I got a little practice in last night, and also had an interesting thing happen. The dum...