Monday, July 8, 2024

Hospitals as a military target

 Putin, AKA "Putler" (Putin + Hitler) has decided children's hospitals in Ukraine are legitimate military targets because when your objective is genocide, might as well catch 'em young. It's exactly the Hitler playbook, needless to say. These dictators are all the same, if you're their enemy or their friend doesn't matter, they will try to destroy you. Hitler professed to admire the English, yet his V3 weapon was designed to completely obliterate London. I'm sure Putler talks plenty about caring about "fellow Slavs". 

I got back last night and did stuff, even studied some Hebrew and went to bed. When I woke up today it was 80 in here and 72 outside. Of course. 

I packed 4 large things, listed 15 things, and ran the packages to UPS and FedEx. I stopped by Tom's to hang out a bit but his stupid hanger-on, James, was there, doing stupid things like operating a grinder with a very iffy wheel on it with no safety glasses, etc. I marveled to Tom  - with James right there because he wouldn't go away - that I lived there for years and he and his wife could live there for years with no problems at all if they just kept the place looking neat like it's an actual business. 

I guess that's just not how Tom is. He lets all these bums hang around that I'd just ignore or tell to get lost. His place looks like shit even without the bums, although if he kept it up it could be a real little Paradise. 

I picked packing stuff up, and got back in here and made some GreeNoodles with fish. On the radio they're hammering and hammering on Biden to drop out, which I think is a very transparent ploy to hand the election over to El Dumpo. Again I'm reminded of the big industrialists in Germany who got behind Hitler because they felt they could control them. And indeed, after Hitler lost the war, whole companies were disbanded and lots of high ranking and even mid-ranking Nazis got the rope. 

But I thought today, the really powerful people in Germany then were not necessarily the top industrialists, but the people who owned *them*. Owned the land, owned the factories, hired "big industrialists" to run things but were still essentially employees. The really powerful were those with a "von" in their name and Germany sure had, and still has, them. I started thinking, For instance, Himmler was middle-class. Hitler was middle-class. Goebbles may have been upper-middle-class. Goering was pretend-upper-class, and only grew up in something of a castle because his mother whored herself to the actual owner of said somewhat-castle, a Jewish man. 

I began to see a picture: Those with a "von" in their name may not have suffered much at all. A company is disbanded but the land still belongs to the nobles. A company dies, a new one is formed, the "vons" threw up their hands and said, "But but but ... I was just sitting in my garden peacefully reading Goethe all that time". For the nobles, there may have been no repercussions to backing Hitler and bringing on the Second World War at all. An interesting bit of fun, perhaps. 

Even the BBC is going on and on about how Biden, who beat Dumpo once and can surely do it again, should step down. Perhaps Kamala Harris should run instead. As I said to Ken the other night, "Even I don't like Kamala Harris". 

So it seems to me that our oligarchs, not hired hands whose names show up in the news but our actual "vons" have decided Dirty Diapers Don should be allowed to be our carpet-chewing Fuehrer. It'll be tremendously entertaining, eh Bertie wot wot?

Meanwhile so many of we little people will get crushed between the wheels. A documentary I watched last night reminded me that it was only 3 months after Hitler took power that Kristallnacht happened. 


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The renaming

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