Monday, June 28, 2021

A big load to the post office

 58th day sober. I was up, practicing, until about 7:30AM but the practice went well. I think the Rubank exercises are doing me some good, and I'm sounding better on them. A funny thing: I oiled the valves and didn't get #3 back in with the proper alignment so it was a bit off. I noticed D below the sounding markedly non-resonant and my attack on lower notes not as distinct as it should be, then finally noticed the mis-aligned valve and re-aligned it. Then things sounded fine. 

I found myself able to do some nice high C's and some notes above. A thing I've noticed happening a few times is, if I have a layoff, even a long one, if I just randomly pick up a horn I can do high C etc easily, but I have no endurance and if I get back to practicing daily I lose those high notes for a while then regain them.  It's like any athletic endeavor. 

I also got a load of laundry done since I was pretty much out of clean clothes. If I'd just do one load a week I think I'd gradually get caught up on all my washing. 

I took off for the post office and FedEx around 6 as usual, dropped things off, found a few packing materials, checked on Tom's place, and got back here and had some egg salad. 

I then packed some Ebay things and looked for a thing I can't find. Later I asked Ken if he can come over Tuesday night and help me look for it - I really want to avoid canceling the order if I can. 

I just see Ebay getting worse and worse in the same way everything else is getting worse and worse. But if things can hold together for 3 more years that's OK with me.

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