Saturday, January 21, 2023

A green comet for New Year

 I was up most of last night, futzing around and also had some 6% Korean rice wine they sell in 750ml bottles for about $4. It was ginseng flavor which was good (the woody flavor of ginseng take some getting used to) but also had some artificial sweetener in it that I was not crazy about. 

I woke up around noon, stayed in bed and read some Orwell essays, then got up around 2:30. I had my chicory coffee and a few peanuts and found and packed 5 things that were big enough to go by FedEx but not so big that I'd need the bike trailer. 

I got out of here at 4. It was *not* warm out. I dropped the things off at FedEx and then went to H Mart for some shopping. It was pretty much a quick in and out. 

Then I went to 5 Guys and got a small order of fries. It was a lot of fries, and I have to say, the best around here. And that's against some pretty stiff competition. 

I checked all my usual packing supplies places and nada. I did pick up a big bag (good thing I had a big bag with me) of this thick honeycomb cardboard stuff that should come in handy. Coming into the complex here with the big bag of cardboard pieces plus 3 long ones sticking off the bike like a long tail, I was just turning in when suddenly there was a bum in front of me with a Mad Max bike and trailer, turning in too. Oops! 

I veered away and took the other way, through the armored car place and around. Mr Bum was in the dumpster I'd taken all the gears and stuff out of last night. I got back in here and put the bike and things away and took a little bucket of basic tools with me to the HVAC place where there was a discarded furnace sitting in front. It was basically just one hex head screw I used a socket driver on and a couple of tabs to bend back and I had the control board. The people there were setting off tons of firecrackers, it being new year and all, so it was kind of loud but I love 'em like any good Hawaii kid does. 

I walked back here with my bucket of tools and the control board and went around the other side to check on what Mr. Bum was up to. He had just finished and was riding away. I waited until he was out of sight and then took a look in the dumpster because who knows what was there. The little goodies were all gone except one that had been overlooked, and all aluminum was gone. There's still a bunch of steel there. I picked up some cardboard and junk lying around there and put it in to neaten things up, as it's the least I can do after all the neat stuff I've found there. 

I just found out today there's a "green" comet in the sky, that's just becoming naked-eye visable. They figure it's not been around here since the last Ice Age, and it's actually ... green. Well, we're starting the year of the rabbit and rabbits like green stuff. 

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Heavy, man.

 Last night I got the Connstellation cornet out and put the screw for the 1st valve trigger back on, and installed new water key corks too. ...