Thursday, May 28, 2020

Hitting the target

When I think about it, the packing the day before yesterday would have been easier if I'd stuck by my schedule and packed at least some of the things on Sunday. Then, last night, I'd not have been up until 6AM again doing listings, if I hadn't gotten involved in watching all these short documentaries about bicycle messengers of all things. I did, last night, find the things I need to pack tonight, so I have them staged ready to go.

I woke up around 2, made an iced coffee, and finally was out the door at 4:45. First stop was the blessing box in Japantown where I deposited a package of napkins. Then I went to the bank to put my check in; $350 this time because Ken put an extra $50 on "because we've been doing so well".

Next was Whole Foods, where I got a package of Haig's falafel and a shrimp cocktail, and a bottle of fizzy water. And $100 cash back. I rode over to "my" place to eat at Diridon Station.

My cozy little place had some stuff there and no one was around. Couple of bottles of .... I looked at the label, it was 99% alcohol, distilled from sugar cane. One was half-full and one hadn't even been cracked. Wow, I thought, this could be used in an alcohol stove. I put it in my bike bag. Just then I heard a sort of "Hey", and a large, kind of scruffy, Mexican guy came up. As soon as I saw him out of the corner of my eye, I took the bottle out of my bike bag and started apologizing. Typical Mexican, he was really mellow about it, as I explained I'd seen the stuff there and thought someone had left it, and he said he understood, and I asked him where he got the stuff and he said a store called "Chaparral" over on 21st street which is heavy duty East Side and I'll have to check it out. There was a disorganized pile of a small carton of milk and fruit and other things, and he tried to gather it together and I got out one of the heavy duty plastic shopping bags I carry and gave it to him, then gave him another one for later.

Every day it's the same old thing - variety. I sat and ate my falafel and my shrimp cocktail and washed them down with fizzy water and it was really pretty nice. There was a security guard around but he didn't seem to be too worried, especially when I hung my Whole Foods paper bag off of one handlebar and put all my trash into it. The little birds got two pieces of falafel and the shrimp tails.

Next was to ride over to Target. I had quite a shopping list, things like a hand mirror, nail clippers, foot powder if they had it, that spray for pet urine, yadda yadda yadda on and on, and eggs. I was able to get everything on the list other than those travel size packs of "wet ones" and I only spent about $55. Hell, I bought two cans of foot powder at about $8 each and the pet (and people) urine spray was $10 but I wanted the best.

I noticed toilet paper still wiped out but those large packs of paper towels like I'd just gotten at Lowe's were there, and there were the Pur cartridges that fit my filter,  and I was even able to get a replacement of my Oxo spatula which I really like and use a lot, and I've been thinking, sooner or later it'll break because they always do.

I saw masks for sale at Whole Foods and at Target, but high priced. I actually picked up a nice mask someone had thrown out in front of H Mart, next to the trash can. One of the elastics had broken and they'd tied it in a knot, which probably didn't work well. But I can fix it. So I'll have my black "old faithful" mask, and this red and white patterned one. What's funny is, I only noticed today that on "old faithful", the wire that's supposed to go over the nose had migrated to one of the ear straps and has probably been that way all along.

Masks are going to be the new fashion accessory, like ties, or like hats used to be. I'd not mind having a mask that matches whatever shirt or jacket I'm wearing on a particular day.

I also saw lots of bike traffic today. Plenty of bums of course but lots of normal people. The more people are out biking, the more notice there will be of how awful motorists are to cyclists, so this is good.

I got back and put things away, then got my "getter stick" and went around by Grill'Em and got some nice white vinyl sticker material that's used for vinyl signage, and some X-ray film boxes that are good for shipping flat things like manuals. I also got veggies out of the veggie dumpster, some tomatoes, cucumbers, and a stalk of celery. I got back again and made a big salad with the nasturtiums I had sitting in the fridge, tomato, and cucumber. Perfect hot weather meal. My dressing is just Kewpie mayo, sesame seed oil, little pepper, bit of shoyu and Worcestershire sauce, and a some apple cider vinegar. I guess I'd call it "wing it" dressing.

Some good news I guess: my ear is just about normal now. I think it's the Dettol that fixed it, although I used way too much at first. Now I just make sure to wash it when I wash my face, and do a final wash with just a little Dettol over my face and ears, and rinse right afterward. It makes me wonder if Dettol, if I'd known about it, could have helped me avoid the whole long saga of expensive antibios that didn't really work. As for my silver coins, I'll make colloidal silver.... later. I just have 'em socked away for now. I have the silver nitrate solution socked away too.

Crazy Chrissie talked at the ice cream truck guys and then set up right in front of here ... and actually started painting her car. She'll probably do some meth-y thing like paint half and then sand it all down again.

I feel less like I've got a "bug" too, and don't feel stuff rattling around in my chest any more. I still have a little bit of stuff, and I find singing while I ride my bike helps bring it up, so lots of people got treated to a bit of "We'll Meet Again" as I rode downtown. Maybe I should mix it up with a little "Paper Moon". 

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 Ken came by last night but he forgot his checkbook. In all fairness, he forgot to put a new bottle of insulin in his medicine box too. Oh w...