Ken came by last night but he forgot his checkbook. In all fairness, he forgot to put a new bottle of insulin in his medicine box too. Oh well! I made him tea and we talked about stuff.
I'd also gotten a cornet practice session in.
Now it's going to be rainy for the next few days at least. My next class is at the Addison-Penzak center and maybe it'll have stopped raining by then. A sprinkle is OK anyway.
Today I checked out a local passport/visa service place. Skeezy as hell. I learned some things thought, for instance everyone has to go to the post office, and all these guys do is take the packet from the post office and hand-carry it to the passport office in San Francisco. And, to get an expedited passport I need a flight itinerary that shows it's necessary. So yeah, I think I'll just go with the post office. Right now I plan on leaving in years not months or weeks.
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