Sunday, May 3, 2020

Busy Sunday

I woke up a bit after 12. I'd gone to bed on about 100ml of liquor, and amazingly was not awakened by a loud bum fight - just one bum yelling to himself as I drifted off to sleep.

It's hot and windy; I don't know why less human activity means more wind but it sure seems to work out that way.

Last night I moved furniture around upstairs, and made plans to have a drip-dry/dry rack for laundry. I'm going to hand a rod from a pipe that runs overhead but it too high up to reach, so I can hang clothes hangers off of the rod. I'll fix up some kind of a drip pan underneath.

There's stuff I want to get rid of, like the cut-up cardboard boxes I'm not keeping, so I'm stashing the stuff in the trash enclosure that seems to be as much "mine" as anyone's. That gets the stuff out of the shop, and in a day or two when I have the bike and trailer all running again, I'll take the stuff and dump it somewhere.

I packed up a couple large things in boxes to go to FedEx and called Ken and said I've got it down to his taking the large boxes to FedEx, that I can take care of the rest.

I'm not even going to stop at the Amazon pickup place because I'd have to take all the things I got home by foot, which makes me more of a target than if I'm carrying them on my bike. I've decided to just get downtown, put my pay check in at the ATM, go to Whole Foods for a few things and more cash for my cash stash, and over to the hardware store for at least one bike tube and maybe a few other odds and ends like a patch kit, etc. Also some hose clamps to fasten a tall book shelf I have up in the loft to the pipe running along behind it, so it won't tip over if there's an earthquake.

I've had a lot of time to think while cutting up all that cardboard etc., and I was thinking, if I hadn't bought those 4 large (#10?) cans of corned beef hash, I'd probably never be able to get them, because I fully expect the other three H mart had, to be gone by now. If I hadn't bought the $4 house slippers that I honestly thought I'd only have to wear for a couple of days before picking up my new Crocs, well, here it's close to a week and I'm still wearing them. And how silly I was to not think ahead with regard to bike tires and parts. There's no "When?" when it comes to prepping. The time to prep is now.

After dealing with the cardboard and packing the boxes, I called Ken to see when he'd be by and he said, "Much later tonight" so I realized I had time to get a practice in, and did so. I'm moving forward in the Irons book and I'm sure it's doing me good. I even looked up Irons and read about him. He's kind of Texas' answer to Herbert C. Clarke. Played trumpet and violin, leading bands as soon as he could, served in WWI, and devoted his life to playing and teaching the trumpet.

Ken eventually called me up and said he'll come by tomorrow before he goes to work. I got to work on packing some things and came up with a plan and called Ken back about an hour later. I suggested when he comes by, he picks up not only the FedEx boxes but the stuff I'm packing to go to the post office, and me. We'll take the stuff to the post office and FedEx, then he can drop me off on Brokaw anywhere, like across from Fry's or anything, and I can walk to the light rail and go downtown. The reason I want to do it this way, I explained, is the bike shops are all closed on Monday and the only place I can buy a tube is the hardware store, but this is a big weekend for cruiser bikes and the hardware store doesn't stock that many, so who knows, I might find them sold out. So I want to make sure we get the packages out and keep those customers happy. Ken liked my line of thinking and it was, "See you tomorrow!"

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