Friday, May 27, 2022

The NRA reaches a new low

 The NRA is holding their national convention, and for some reason they're actually allowing the Dump onto the property?? How could they have anything but loathing for the Fat Orange One is beyond me, since he's been anti-gun most of his life. I was an NRA lifer years ago until I told them to take a hike, but if I hadn't already I would do so now. Socialist Rifle Association all the way with me. 

I was an avid reader of the NRA's official magazine, The American Rifleman, when I was a kid. A guy working on our house brought a number of issues over. They were interesting! There were articles about antique guns and their history, how to develop loads for accuracy, profiles of noted artists who did artwork on things like high-end shotguns, it just went on and on. There was very, very little on police-type use of guns. The last time I looked at an issue, I'd consider it unreadable - it's nothing but paranoia and militarized stuff and makes Soldier Of Fortune look like great literature. The NRA has gone from being fairly mainstream to being right-wing fringe. 

I packed some things including an oscilloscope, which I was glad to have one of those boxes car wheels come in, for. I also used up the pieces of "Foam Core" for signs etc I had around here. And insured the package. I got out of here at the usual time, did the post office drop-off then the FedEx one, and stopped by the falafel place for a yogurt drink. That's actually a really good snack for this warmer weather, as it's nourishing, refreshing, healthy, and won't spoil my dinner. 

I found lots of packing stuff and went out for a 2nd round, going back for two especially nice wheel boxes from the tire place, then stopping by the Indian dumpster for a lot of different sizes of plastic bags, some raw peanuts and cashews and such things for bird food, and I think I might try some Indian Tic-Tacs and instant coffee that was in there. 

I'd done a lot of the octave exercise last night, maybe 45 minutes, and eventually I tire out and I'm not sure if it's my breathing that tires out or my lips or both.

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