Saturday, May 7, 2022

The French Connection

 The guy from France came over last night to pick up his instruments. It eventually ended up being at about 11 at night. It took him a while to figure out how to get in here from the street out front. It was pretty crazy. But he eventually, after getting directions from the lunch truck place, came zooming in and we loaded his stuff up and took a quick look in the "Ebay Store" to see what else we had listed he might want (he wanted Scientific Atlanta stuff and rattled off a whole history of the company up to what they're called now which I forget) and that was that. Tiring for me, but more so for him as he'd apparently been all over the Southern half of California picking things up that he'd been kept from doing by Covid. 

I slept in until 2 in the afternoon. Sure, I was up at 7, but went right back to bed. 

At least I'd practiced last night, octave exercises on the head joint. There's a sweet spot, where the tone is more pure and the octave is easy and pure also. That's what to aim for. 

I had weird dreams and woke up a bit disoriented. The wind's howling outside and I've spent a bit over my self-imposed limit so I have to not spend anything, or if I'm going to spend anything I have to go out and busk for it first, or use some of my cash savings which I'd already dipped into to buy the student flute and which I'd rather not do.

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