Thursday, May 12, 2022

Oh no $5 gas

 I got back from my post office and FedEx run, cooked up "burger in a bowl" and was busily putting things I'd listed away (I had a large amount built up) when Ken called and said he'd not come by but come the next night because he'd forgotten his check book. 

Since I'd started putting things away I just continued doing that and pre-packed about 10-11 things, and got a batch of 10 things ready to list but that, combined with some re-arranging and re-organizing, left me pretty tired. 

I set up to practice before bed and got in about a half-hour, mostly the octave exercise which I'm getting better at. Blowing octaves on the whole flute is easy compared to doing them on the headjoint alone, so it's a good exercise and I get the impression James Galway does it every day. 

I woke up around 2:30, in plenty of time to go to the bank if I were going to the bank today but I'm not. 

There's the usual stuff on the radio, and on Reddit r/preppers, they're freaking out over $5 gas. I remember $7+ gas in Arizona in 2008-2009. In fact that was a major reason why I wanted to leave there; because I realized that if gas suddenly became unavailable, the population would be bottled up there. Those few with enough gas in their tanks to leave would be shot trying to get out by those without. That's the American mentality. California prices for rent, right-wing politics (it's since become a lot worse) and no jobs at all were other reasons. 

It was easy to pack things as I had 11/13 of them pre-packed and the other two were simple to find and pack. I took off at my usual time, and it was the usual game of "Avoid The Zombie" as I fought the wind on my way to the post office. I veered over to the "wrong" side of the street to avoid an old decrepit proto-SUV with some zombies in it, then veered again to give a wide berth around a skinny zombie, shambling along. This one was a skinny black guy, pretty decently dressed and wearing a trilby hat. The thing nodded at me politely and in return I said, "Hullo, Mr. Zombie" and rode on. 

I did my drop-offs and did my usual snooping around for packing stuff on my way back - I only found one box I wanted. 

I got back in here and cooked up sausage with garlic and green pepper and eggs, all scrambled together and that was my big meal for the day. I packed a couple more things to go out tomorrow, and after a while Ken came by. 

I got my paycheck and we had the usual talking session about a ton of different subjects. It's always a good time. After he left, I did my usual stay up all night thing and the zombie circulation here is amazing. There was a zombie on a bike that ransacked the trash can the welding place had put out, and the zombie car that has its trunk bungee'd closed circulated through a few times. One reason they might come through here is that zombie vehicles generally can barely move under their own power and can't handle bumps at all and the parking lot is smooth while the road outside the complex is extremely bumpy and rough - typical for Silicon Valley. 

My point is that one must always be on the watch for the undead around here. There is no hour of the day or night when you can be sure one won't be prowling around, hungering for brains. We have a guy running for mayor, named Mahan, who has ads talking about zombie control and of course our governor is talking about same so maybe they'll start rounding 'em up but until then, watchful is the word.

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