Tuesday, October 10, 2023

The Middle-Eastern Front

 As a lot of people have been, I've been racking my brain trying to figure out who benefits from Hamas' idiotic attack on Israel? The old rule of "cui bono?" tells me it's almost certainly Russia. Putin is hoping that by opening a second front, it will help his war against the Allies on the Ukraine front. In the same way that Hitler wanted the Japanese to open a Pacific front in WWII with the idea it would make the Americans less able to fight in Europe. 

I will also say that, as some on Reddit are theorizing, it could well be that WWIII has started. When did WWII start? Americans will say it started on December 7th, 1941 but at that time England had been fighting alone (with some US aid) for a couple of years. Japan had already moved into China, and if you ask the Spanish and Ethiopians, the war was already well underway by that time. 

If I wanted to take a nice sight-seeing trip to Israel, now that's out. So far it'd be perfectly fine for me to take a nice vacation in Hawaii, and I can only hope this is still the case a year from now. There's a chance it may not be, and then my plans may have to get interesting. 

So it's Axis vs. Allies all over again. The Axis being Russia, its puppet/ally states like Belarus and North Korea, white factions in South Africa, and the large fifth column in the US. I don't include China in this because China is smart enough to only be "for" China, and the most liberal and sophisticated "Western" nation is still a bunch of savages by comparison. 

Practice last night: Since I have the stock Shakuhachi Yuu taken apart and on the stand I'd made, to thoroughly dry out after giving it a good scrub with alcohol last night, I practiced a bit on the "enhanced" one and to me it does not play as well. This means either it simply does not play as well, or maybe shakuhachi play better after they've got a bunch of hours on them. 

I was up in time to pack 20 things and get out of here. All the things went to the post office and I found some packing stuff on my route on the way back. The vending machine place had thrown out a lot of those small bags of various chips, so I bagged those up in a big bag and took them to Tom's. He was out so I hung it on the window bars on the front of his place and took off. 

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Monday, monday

 I really want to go out busking for the lunch crowd on a Monday and do that "Monday, monday" song. Plus all the other Monday song...