Tuesday, October 3, 2023

Leopards ate his face

 I woke up and turned on the radio and heard that House Speaker Keven McCarthy has been voted out. A Republican (Nazi), he pandered to the extreme right and apparently voted for a rule change that said any individual Nazi, could vote a member of their party out or something if they weren't extreme right enough. He voted for the "Leopards Eating Faces Party" and I got to hear the last bit of his "I didn't think a leopard would eat MY face!" speech. Good riddance. 

I labeled the things I'd packed last night, and took off for FedEx only as I had one small one for the post office only and it wasn't worth the extra ride. This meant I could relax a bit on the ride. 

I ran into H Mart for some garlic and a cucumber and dropped off the things, and picked up the packing stuff I could find. I had to go to a place just down from Tom's for some boxes so I rode by Tom's but his place was dark. I rode across the street near Tom's truck and thought I heard a little sound so I turned around to look and there was someone under Tom's truck - I thought Tom. 

It was James. So I hung out with James for a while. I held my flashlight for him and he told me how Tom's truck had all kinds of leaks etc., and I told him how the guy who owned the Gilroy place - known by both Tom and myself - "never got his hands dirty working on cars" and so since I borrowed his car quite a bit I did things like change the oil etc. 

The city's on James' ass about his junk car in front of Tom's and I suggested he just sell it for whatever he can get and get it over with - should get a few hundred. And we talked about various things. James said Tom is very neat and clean. "Funny," I said, "'Clean' and 'Tom' are not two words I associate with each other...." James said that Tom showers, while he, James, has not taken a shower in a year "And I'm bangin' all kind of chicks and Tom's like ... 'Uhhhhh'". 

The talk got a bit catty in this way, and I also learned that at least according to James, James had had an electronics company and had been doing really well, then was run over by a truck "Dragged two blocks by an F250" and had gone to live with his ex-girlfriend and had everything of his stolen (then got run over by the truck) and these days has an online gambling problem. I suggested he check out a site called the "Wizard of Odds" because on there it says slot machines, his favorite, are "the crack cocaine of gambling". 

So, James has been more than a bum in his life, and now is .... a bum. He doesn't even want to get a driver's license or state ID etc. I think I'm just going to ease into staying away. 

Practice last night had been lackluster ... I was completely tired after all the packing I did, then after that, even *more* tired, I was supposed to practice .... it's not a good way to go. 


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Monday, monday

 I really want to go out busking for the lunch crowd on a Monday and do that "Monday, monday" song. Plus all the other Monday song...