Wednesday, May 12, 2021

Recovered from my 2nd shot

 11th day sober. I seem to have recovered from that 2nd covid shot. The low-grade fever is gone, and I think I actually got a little real sleep. The aches and pains are gone, other than those that result from staying in bed for so long. 

In fact I felt good enough to pack everything that needed to be sent, including an oscilloscope, to take to the post office because while I could hand it all off to Ken, there's a FedEx package that looks just like a USPS package and I can't count on Ken to not be absent-minded and drop that one off at the post office, too. The result being it won't get to the customer and we'll have to issue a refund. 

I loaded up the bike and left a bit after 6. The large complex next to the ex-Smithfield ham factory is now just piles or rubble, thanks to the work of 4 large machines. I'm not sure if they're going to wreck the Smithfield building too. But so much for tons of homeless people setting up a camp in there. 

The drop-offs went without a hitch, and I went to Baba Falafel and got a gyro. One of those is a lot of food. I ate over at the egg-shaped robot place because it's a nice place for a little picnic. I ate about 1/5th of the pita bread and tossed most of it, in strips, to the crows. 

As I was leaving there, a scumsucker rode by and no doubt noticed me. So of course once I was out on Brokaw again, the scumsucker, who'd been heading into their camp on the creek, had found some reason to pass by me again. I had my "explainer" in my bike bag but it was pretty easy to reach back and get it into my hand, and I looked back to see if Mr. Scumsucker was going to come around again for a well-deserved beating. But he seemed to have gone on his merry way. 

I found a good load of packing stuff on the way back, and got in here and put it all away. I'd gone to bed Monday night and stayed there until about noon today, but here I am feeling OK again.

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