Thursday, October 22, 2020

Like in a gym shower

 Up at 2:15. I didn't have coffee this time, but just ice water and some almonds and a slice of cheese, and didn't have that shaky feeling. Hm! I wonder if I should switch to tea.  

Last night, among other things, I did one of the voice "warm-ups" off of the YouTube channel I've subscribed to, that teaches voice lessons. It's 20-odd minutes long and that's plenty long for a beginner. The key is to practice every day and gradually increase the amount of time spent. 

In the TV show King Of The Hill, the character "Lucky" has his voice done by Tom Petty. I always wondered, why does Lucky's voice always sound like it's recorded in a gym shower? And now I remember, there was a guy who worked at Weird Stuff Warehouse who'd come out here from South Carolina or something, and his voice resonated like that. So I'm thinking, Tom Petty sure sang a lot, and this guy from S. Carolina may well have grown up singing in church or something. The S. Carolina guy eventually went back home. I  think he missed surfing in warm water. 

So, think super-resonant voice. I also listened, last night, to a BBC radio program on NPR about Paul Robeson which got me reading the Wikipedia on him also. He was very influential in the middle part of the 20th century and it was his amazing voice that gave him so much clout. The guy was also a college and pro football player, and a lawyer. I only learned about him from an NPR program that came on the radio back when I was a college student in Hawaii. 

I got out of here at 3 and stopped at Dahl's to see about getting a safety vest because I thought I'd seen some in there but they don't now. They directed me to the place on Commercial and 5th where I bought some red curb paint (which was pretty lousy paint) years ago. "They have all that stuff" I was told. 

I got to the bank in plenty of time and put my check in, and everything was dead-on to the penny. I guess the $11 for the pepper spray wasn't put in, but then I'd told Kate "Don't worry about it, whatever you want to do" and frankly, that $11 might be a lot more important to her than to me. But Kate wasn't there today; it was a different gal. 

I went over to Whole Foods and got stuff that's prosciutto but cooked, and a can of some kind of hops brewed tea with chamomile? - to see if it's a decent near-beer. I racked my brain trying to think of what it was I thought of that the stationary store near Target would have and that I should get, but came up blank. I thought I'd sit at the corner on the way to Target then walk over and get whatever that thing was and some things from Target also. But I could just not think of it, plus I didn't have my Swiss army knife to deal with the prosciutto package so I just hopped on the bike, went over to the Amazon hub for bubble mailers and my new Swiss army knife which I put right in my pocket and rode for Japantown. 

I stopped at Nijiya thinking, Screw it, I'll get a bento and a beer. When I got there the bentos were completely wiped out, so I got a few grocery things and a nice piece of smoked salmon and an Asahi "Dry" beer which is the wateriest they have. 

When I got back here it wasn't even 6. So I was really out and back in a short amount of time. I cut up the smoked salmon and the prosciutto and discovered the prosciutto had this plastic between the slices - I wanted to make a bowl of cut-up delicious stuff I could eat with chopsticks. And it was good, and so was the beer although what would be nice is if there was a beer that tasted decent that was very low alcohol like 1-2%, something like the Russians have with their drink, "Kvass" which is made from bread. 

Then I spent a couple of hours taken apart a piece of equipment Ken had brought over, just the usual, lots of circuit boards and some other parts like capacitors, transformers, etc.

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