Monday, October 19, 2020


 Up at 2. I'd been up until 3 or 4 in the morning "staging" about 30 packages. I wanted to get them all cleared out. I figured I'd get up in time to have a couple of hours to finish packing them. 

I also am going to try not drinking any alcohol but took a couple of the kava pills I got yesterday and see if taking kava keeps me from getting too twitchy. $25 for 60 pills is cheap compared to the alcohol they should replace. 

I finished off the packages in an hour and a half which kind of surprised me. This is a good method because the hard part's in finding the item and choosing what to pack it in and whether it needs bubble wrap etc., and once that's done go on to the next. So I was out of here at 6 on the dot, and the drop-offs were uneventful. The chute at the post office even worked fine. 

The kava's not completely filling in for alcohol so I'm taking a very small amount of alcohol. I'd been getting to where I was drinking 400ml of vodka a day and I'm going to try for 200ml total today/tonight. 

While out today I realized I didn't have my Swiss army knife in my pocket. I did a lot of thinking about where I'd seen it last, and up came a memory of having it out for some reason when I was sitting and eating on the steps of the Issei Center in Japantown, then having my trash all picked up and the knife lying there and myself thinking I'll be sure to pick it up and put it back on my pocket and I guess I didn't do that. So when I got back here I ordered another one on Amazon.

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