Thursday, December 7, 2023

Rainy Thursday

Ken came by last night, an hour earlier than his old usual time but that's actually good. I told him how I'd been having more success moving to an earlier schedule myself and how it had paid off, enabling me to get a very large box shipped off before the rain came in. 

After Ken left, I just relaxed for an hour or so, had some celery (at 69c a bundle it's very affordable these days) and went to bed. I had some weird dreams, like trying to get tires for some big ol' boat of a car I had, something like a Lincoln Town Car but actually a bit longer, that had really, really shredded tires. 

I woke up at 10 which is fine as I'd told myself I can sleep all I like, and having gone to bed at 12:30 got something like 9-10 hours of good sleep. 

It's to be a rainy, drippy, day today and I told Ken I may wait until Friday to deposit my check, as it will probably be a rainy day today. 

News continues to happen. Some right-wing nutball shot up the University of Nevada Las Vegas campus, because the faculty didn't want to hire his kooky ass. This country needs to wise up and have procedures in place where if someone has right-wing views they are to be put under a magnifying glass and watched very, very closely. Right-wing politics is a religion that calls on its followers to stockpile guns and explosives and so on, and kill as many who are not fellow followers of that religion as possible. They are internal terrorists, or more precisely, simply terrorists. 

And the situation with the Gaza district of Israel proceeds. It looks horrible but then the aim of something like 95% of "Gazans" is to wipe Israel off the map and kill every Jew they can catch so they're kind of reaping what they've sown. And the "Palestinians" are such shitty people that even their fellow Arabs don't want to take them in. Again, reaping what they've sown. History is not always pretty. 

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