Wednesday, December 20, 2023

Pop Corny Day

 I got everything I needed to put away in the warehouse area, put away last night. It was a lot of stuff and some of it required some re-arranging. Plus I packed 15 things that are small and don't require the bike trailer. 

I went to sleep far too late, maybe 5AM, and woke up at noon. After coffee and nuts and some exercises and general noodling around, I took off at about a quarter to 2, walking. 

I still haven't cleaned up the bike from Monday nights riding in the rain, and I'm out of clean pants to change into so while I might not stay any dryer, at least I'd get less gunked up, walking. I had two big Ross bags full of my packages. And I had enough on my clipper card for 1 ride, no more. 

I walked out to the light rail, rode down to St. James Park, took my packages over to the post office and mailed them, and walked back just in time to hop on another train to Diridon Station. I'd not walked through the main part of the station in a long time so I went in there and got a little bag of popcorn which I ate on my walk over to TAP Plastics. 

I bought some little zipper bags and was glad no one remembered my crack about how I dislike Christian radio; how I'd been tuning around and found a station that was pretty nice, kind of grunge rock, then realized it was Christian rock and could not turn the dial fast enough. 

I walked over to Whole Foods and put $20 on my clipper card so that was that problem solved. Then I got some food and a fizzy water and ate and had some of the fizzy water, was able to wash my mouth out mainly, and got to the bus stop across the street just in time for a #22 bus. I rode that to Santa Clara and walked over to the Amazon place and got a bunch of bubble mailers. 

Then I decided to walk around Christmas In The Park and maybe visit the caricature guys. Their booth was closed so it was too early. Leroy had told me Wendall from New Orleans was in town but I didn't see him. I got free samples of kettle corn from two different stands, and bought a little bag of regular popcorn (for $5) from the 2nd stand, and had fun putting all my change into the coin funnel thing because it's fun. One of my dimes went across and stuck flat and when a little girl said, "Hey! A coin!" I said it was mine and she could put it in, showing how to get a coin rolling. 

I walked back to the light rail and rode home, walking in from Karina Station. It really didn't do more than rain lightly all day.  I sprinkled out the last of my bag of popcorn for the birds. It was the pop-corniest day of my life, at least so far. 

I've also realized, it's only a few days from The Day. I've written down three my carols I'd forgotten about until I heard them on the radio, the most beautiful of them being It Came Upon A Midnight Clear. Geez. At least I'm giving this season my best, and what I learn this year will be stored up and ready to draw on, and add to, next year. 

On Reddit they're talking about the 2024 election possibly being even crazier than that horrible January 6th (which I wrote about something like the next day, likening it to the fiasco of the "Love Ride" I rode my motorcycle in decades ago). I still think it's a solid plan to keep Ken thinking that I'll be here for that Oh-so-important election, but might be invited for a birthday bash so just a quick little trip in mid-September ...  from which I'll decide What the hey, why come back? I can invent Pat and Dave and I partying in a hotel in Waikiki, maybe make it the Hale Koa due to my brother in law's military connections. 

I got a call from Ken at about 8:30. He has to get up really early in the morning to get his other eye's cataract surgery done (they've already done one) and "Do you really need your check tonight?" I said I not only don't need it tonight, but I don't even need it this week and he can just write a check for this week along with next week's. And since that means I won't see him until after Christmas, which is Monday, Merry Christmas. Then we talked a bit about science-y stuff and that's that. My time is my own until the middle of next week. 

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