Saturday, May 13, 2023

Wake up and smell the genocide

 Well, I guess all the riding yesterday did tire me out a bit, but I got some things ready to list and got some practice in. 

I need a handful - a literal handful of 5-10 songs - on the shinobue I can go out and busk with. Nori No Mayama will certainly be one, but I also need Sakura, the Japanese national anthem (because it sounds so cool) and some others, so I can get out there busking. 

I say on the shinobue because that little thing can be heard across the street while the shakuhachi can't really. Right now I have shinobue in C and Bb, and I want to get one more, another Aulos in B which is the same pitch my shakuhachi are in. That should make it super easy to play the same music and the B will be larger and "gutsier" than the C. It's also a popular key in taiko. 

I woke up - wanted to sleep all I could especially as the guys next door were whooping it up and messed my sleep up a bit - at a bit after 3, maybe 4. I did the usual reading of Reddit and found this: 

I'm not allowed somehow to make it bigger but it's readable. That's right, the Hippocratic Oath as well as tons of legal precedent no longer matter. And, sadly, I'm dead-on correct. It won't be "Middle Eastern" people as Ken thought it would be, who will be sacrificed - they have powerful countries behind them and there's Muslim solidarity too. It won't be Asians - not with Japan as an ally and with the might of China behind them. And for the most part it won't be Jews, although things are getting worse for them here too. Nope it will be the one group that the fascist interpretation of Christianity doesn't like, that doesn't have a homeland, and that is a small percentage of the population. 

Just as in Nazi Germany, a doctor would get pats on the back for watching an easily-curable Jewish patient die, now it will be LGBT people or even those people suspected of being so. This is showing up in the news also - the analogue of being suspected of being Jewish in the mid-20th-century. 

I don't know why more LGBT people aren't coming out here to California. "Calexit" is looking better and better. Any land army would have a hell of a time just getting across the Sierras, and we could ally with China to both of our benefit. We could set up an "underground railroad" to get LGBT people and allies in general out of red shithole areas. In fact this is quietly happening now. 

I realized it was a quarter to six and Dai Thanh closes at 7. I needed to get out of here. It was hot outside! Probably should have worn shorts, Oh well. I forgot my phone too so I asked a guy in a car at a stop light for the time and I made really good time. I probably got to Dai Thanh at a quarter after 6. 

I just wanted to buy beef and a couple kinds of veggies and that's what I did, besides looking at the fish and then deciding I had enough stuff. 

I went to H Mart next and got a bottle of diet 7-Up for when Ken's over because it's always best to crack open a fresh one. I also got some near-beer. 

I stopped by the computer place dumpster and didn't find anything because if I'm not right there by 6 or 7 Friday night, someone else goes through it and they're very thorough. I did some cleaning up there though, and shut the gate properly. 

Next was Tom's place. His wife was over for a visit, and we hung out and talked, and Tom and I had near-beers. It was nice to sit around and relax while things cooled down. I'd left a bag of 10 apples at Tom's on my way to Dai Thanh also and we discussed ways to make dried apples. I said what I really want to try is biltong, which is a South African type of beef jerky that's supposed to be very good. 

We also talked about Hawaii vs. here, and how rent are high all over these days, even in areas that used to be cheap. My old $200 room in Colorado Springs is probably $1200 now. It's become crazy.

Tom's wife wanted to know how much I'd get on Social Security and I said about a thousand a month which should always ensure I have a place to live. I added that I feel very lucky as all the things  I want to do are super cheap. Fishing costs next to nothing, playing Japanese flutes costs next to nothing, gathering shells, etc. 

Eventually it was time to go and I took off and came back here. I've ended the listings for all the things I had on Craig's List except for two, will give one to Tom and put the other out for the bums. Craig's List won't let me log in to end the listings because they seem to be in a contest with themselves in how much they can suck, and they're winning. At least back in Hawaii I'll be out from under the non-compete I'm in with Ken, and if I want to sell something I can just use Ebay. 


1 comment:

  1. Dude; your taking the Dungeons and Dragon stuff that passes for news these days WAY too seriously. Haven't we debunked enough lies "on both sides" for any rational man to not see it after a while...
    Pretty hard to believe that any EMT anywhere would refuse to treat anyone anywhere.
    Unless Alejandra is conflating the refusal by a doctor to mutilate some 14 year old's genitalia, in this age when the LBTQ+ population has deviated from the decades-long norm of around 6% to something like 21 percent.
    Don't want to perform irreversible surgery behind some fad that's sweeping the smartphone nation, right?
    Yeah, and so, being forced to go through life with the wrong equipment is going to bring about the demise of this person, who otherwise had no psychological issues; except for the wanting to be the opposite sex thing; so clearly by refusing this life affirming care, the doctors are just lettin' 'em die
    That might be the CCP guys working through Tik Tok, trying to erode the moral fiber of the USA; gotta get both sides fighting over pronouns while the money keeps flowing to 60% Ukraine, 40% the Military Industrial Complex and their dependents...
    As long as we have wars and killing then economies will somehow weather the storm.
    The EMTs even picked ME up in their ambulance that time I inhaled down and microscopic particles from a black capped heron. I heard one of them whisper "I don't think this one's faking it," to one of the other EMTs; none of whom, I could tell if only after a brief discourse during the ambulance ride, would ever not treat "a guy" laying in the road after just being struck by a PT Cruiser, or something. Don't you think such an individual would draw the ire of his co-workers?
    I think you're hopeless, Carter; NPR is State Radio now; wake up and smell the Rifle Coffee


January 9th was gone too

 2AM the 10th now. Ken came by last (Wednesday) night and I got a double check to cover New Year's Week and this week so I get to put $8...