Monday, May 22, 2023

The Big Coin

 You've heard of The Big Short, now it's ... The Big Coin! I woke up at 4 or so, and turned on the radio and they were talking about how a law was enacted in the 90s that said, in very vague, general, wording, that the US Mint can make coins out of platinum of any denomination. This was originally intended for making collectible coins, but the law can cover minting a coin worth 1 trillion and then just sending that to the Federal Reserve, and that takes care of the national debt. 

I thought about this and thought, "This is like the stone coins of Yap". It'd make us look like a banana republic but we already do look like one with a big military, and I think it would be a hilarious way out of the government default the Republicans are trying to force us into. 

It also occurred to me that the Republicans are trying to do this awfully hard, and for what, to cut back on benefits to retirees and disabled and veterans even more? The Republicans hate these groups, but I think the reason they're trying so hard is that they want to cut off aid to Ukraine. The Republicans being Russian assets, it all falls into place. 

I finished getting 10 large things ready to list last night and put a bunch of stuff away but I had a serious case of "the gurgles" and decided not to take Pepto for it, as that might only delay things rather than resolving them. 

I did practice though, and felt stronger due to the practice the night before.  I'd watched some Steven Kaizen Casano practice techniques ... guy was practicing on the University of Hawaii Manoa campus! I never thought I'd miss that place but I do. Of course he teaches there so if anyone challenges him for being there he's got something to answer them with, but I used to not only go to classes there but wander around, use the libraries, etc. 

I felt better today, packed 4 medium-large things, and got out of here at a quarter to 7. I stopped at the veggie dumpster and got a few yellow bell peppers and some bundles of cilantro and put those in the bike bag. I steamed on over to FedEx, dropped the packages off, looked in the vegetable dumpster behind H Mart where there was a giant FISH HEAD in there and noped out, rode back to Tom's to drop off the veggies and knocked on his door (he was there) but no answer. He's a reclusive one...

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January 9th was gone too

 2AM the 10th now. Ken came by last (Wednesday) night and I got a double check to cover New Year's Week and this week so I get to put $8...