Sunday, May 21, 2023

SoMuchFor Sunday

 I slept in until 5. Again because I could. I got in a fair amount of practice last night, and got out the "enhanced" Shakuhachi Yuu to compare it more with the plain one. Frankly I don't see enough of a difference to justify having spent $700 on the thing but here we are. 

I also played around on the shinobue a bit. I really like my little 8-hon Aulos and am glad a 7-hon one is on the way. The big 6-hon bamboo composite one is a bit "boomier" in sound due to being bigger, but I have a feeling it would really be great if it were an Aulos. 

All of these things take much more practice then I've been doing. If I'm not going to be a passable busker with these when I'm here, I certainly need to be so by the time I'm back in Hawaii or I'll have to find something else to do. 

Not that there aren't tons of other things I can do, it's just that street music is a rather nice thing to do. It's social and takes no materials, there's nothing physical passing from hand to hand. This is important in Hawaii as if someone who's white or white-passing does anything but music they're destined to spend a lot of time in jail which would not be pleasant. 

Somehow *buying* things is A-OK and I could simply go around buying stuff and throwing it on Ebay. I'll be out from under the "non-compete" once I'm 3,000 miles away, and the nice thing about doing this is, even in fairly hostile environments people would be happy to see me because I've got money and am buying, then the other half of my operation, where the things get put onto Ebay for a much higher price, is not seen by the possibly-hostile locals. 

I saw this in action when I was getting started on Ebay in Arizona. The locals were 99% white, of course, and some were actual Nazis. I was tolerated though because even after I'd declined their offers of joining the local Nazi party and "learning the facts about the Jews" I was still not kicked out of stores etc because I had money and was not just a lookie-loo. I shudder to think how hostile that area is now, though, that their Dear Leader has been president. 

At least in Hawaii I can say I went to high school here, and I worked for the Blue Cross Animal Hospital and for Foodland and for the Bowfin museum and all kinds of local things. Hell I could even look up Jeff Hakman and see if he remembers us bratty kids. It's been 37 years and I still know more people there than here. 

My headache was back today and now I don't have the leaky propane tank to blame it on. I had a hard time getting going but finally did at a bit after 6, picked up one of those paper-organizing things (the vertical kind) and dropped that off at Tom's, then went up to H Mart and got some things. I found some of those yellow apples behind H Mart and bagged those up for Tom and dropped those off on my way back, but now his truck was gone - at least he'd picked up the organizer thing. 

I got back here and hooked up the trailer and gathered up some stuff that the bums didn't want that I'd left out here, plus some stuff I'd dumped out by the sign on Bayshore, and took that load to the medical dumpster and dumped it in. I took a different route out of that complex as I told myself I could justify swinging by Tom's again if I checked for packing materials up that way. 

I found a new place to get large boxes, and loaded one up and some foam, and swung by Tom's but he was still gone so I just came back here. 

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January 9th was gone too

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