Thursday, April 14, 2022

You sunk my battleship! - Putin

 358th day sober. I sifted and sorted things and took some stuff apart and put the scrap metal out where a scavenger stopped off and picked it up pretty quickly. I didn't list things but did practice. 

The practice went pretty well, and I'm doing things like learn the "flow studies" in the book I just got and also doing things like lots of lip slurs high up, holding the note for a while, going down and then up to it again. All aimed toward building strength and endurance. 

It was supposed to rain overnight which it didn't but it was nice and "juicy" out when I woke up at 4. There's a nice steady drizzle going on. 

Some humor for today. A Russian cruiser (not a battleship but in one article I read it's about the equivalent of the US losing a battleship in WWII or a carrier now) kinda sorta blew up, which Putin said is totally not due to the Ukrainians. The Russians then tried to tow it, and the fucker sank. 

On the radio an erstwhile ambassador to Ukraine said Putin's the kind of guy who only understands force, and diplomacy and kindness probably only confuse him. I was thinking while listening to this, and really, it describes the situation with street bums and scumsuckers in general. A normal person will extend some kindness, say giving them some gently used clothes or something, maybe for instance they give them a lawn mower or some car-washing stuff they can start a biz with, or a used bike. 

The scumsucker sells the equipment or bike, and comes around demanding more. Because the scumsucker has no concept of the social contract. They just see weakness, and will seek to take anything more they can get. If the normal person is smart they do what we did here: Cut off all contact and do what they can to make life uncomfortable for the scumsucker so they leave the area. A scumsucker might have some dim concept of life before all the drugs, and wonder why they're suddenly not being talked to, cops called on them, etc. Since they won't be able to comprehend that it's because they're a leech, they'll decide it's snobbery on the part of the normals. 

And it might as well be, which might be a clue as to where snobbery originally came from. The idea of an old boys' club is the old boys will look out for each other. You can't just let anyone in because they seem like a good egg. They might have horrible families, or they might have fooled you. So the club tends to be people you went to college with, or better yet, high/prep school. Then you'll have spent your formative years together and you'll know them thoroughly and they'll know you. 

Social classes work this way also. If you're middle-class and you invite middle-class people over, you can be pretty certain they won't pilfer things in your house, or kick your dog, or try to wipe out your liquor cabinet, the most expensive stuff first. (A while back, Ken was irritated that his daughter had a heavy drinking session courtesy of some fairly expensive Scotch of his. I commiserated, saying something like "Everyone knows, you have the first shot or two of the nice stuff, and then if you just want to drink, you use the cheap stuff for that".) 

But among the lower class, they *will* pilfer things, they *will* try to drink any and all alcohol you have around the place and the best you can do is try to drink as much of it yourself as you can in self defense; they *will* kick your dog. Life among them is one merry-go-round of theft, fights, drinking and drugging, in a tiring whirl.

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