Tuesday, April 26, 2022

RIP Walter Mondale

 Last night I took this beat-up signal generator apart. It was one of those ones that's built so it takes forever. I also got 20 Ebay things listed. And I also got a bunch of small things packed so, in theory, I'd get up early enough today to take them to the post office downtown and then take my used books to the used book store to trade for store credit. 

But that didn't happen. The other things took too much time and I needed sleep also. I practiced maybe 20 minutes and called it a night. Fingering the C in the staff is getting easier - it's a tricky one as you hardly press down anything. So I did lots of scales and going from it to the other notes I know so far, as well as practicing the stuff in the book, up to page 13.

I woke up at a quarter to 5 and turned on the radio. They mentioned, as a small aside in the process of talking about VP Kamala Harris getting covid and where she's been and going to be, and where the President's been, that he went to a funeral for Walter Mondale. 

Apparently he just died. And has been nearly "disappeared". I looked up the wiki on the guy and he was a real good guy, fighting for the right side right up into the 2000s. Like Ralph Nader, who is still alive and kicking, our new right-wing nation would rather not admit he exists. 

And a muskrat named "Elon" of all things, has decided to buy "Twitter", a right-wing hatefest masquerading as a messaging service, so he can make it even more right-wing. There are people who idolize Elon because he's paid a lot of other people to invent things for him and claimed their inventions as his, thinking he's an actual inventor like Edison was. But instead he's just another rapacious oligarch and like in Germany in the late 20s, in the same way Krupp and Thyssen promoted Hitler, the Muskrat will promote whatever right-wing fascist they think they can control. 

Let's see, the economy crashed in 1929, although there were rumbles of trouble before then. The Dust Bowl, for instance, and tons of farmers being foreclosed on. But the real crash was in '29 and started in Germany, the country tipping into fascism. So maybe things will get really interesting in 2029. 

Speaking of evil, I'm still talking with my aunt, the one who probably plays around in piles of money like Scrooge McDuck. She can't possibly live *that* much longer, and it's interesting in a sickening way to talk to a real example of "the banality of evil". This is someone who'd cut their own hand off before they'd give a starving person a sandwich. 

I took the things I had packed and went up to the post office and dropped 'em off. Then I went to 99 Ranch and got some things, using the $15 in cash (really ratty bills so I wanted to spend them) and a bit of change from the change bag I had. 

They didn't have large yellow onions though so on my ride back I stopped at H Mart where I got a large yellow onion and some celery and some gum. I decided to check my membership card and I had 1750 points, enough to get a $10 gift certificate (which is every 1000 points) so I used that but it only came to $6.50 and they don't give change on those. "I'll just get some more gum, give me a minute" and grabbed another little jar of gum, and that did it, along with some more change. 

It was a very unremarkable trip this time. I got some big sheets of foam from the circuit board place and just rode back here with those in a big plastic bag, and noted that Renee, one of the troublemakers who used to live in the parking lot here, seems to have her "war rig" permanently parked with some other bums' rigs on a side street off of Zanker. 

As I came in here I noted two bums riding around on bikes but didn't get a close look at them. I rode past then cut in through one of the other ways in, then through a little passage, thinking I'll head 'em off if they're casing this place or any of my neighbors'. But they didn't come over to this side. I remembered that Renee likes to scout around on a bike for things to steal or people to bum cigarettes off of and get into conflicts with, and I know they'd seen me, so maybe that's why they didn't come over here. That was all the bum trouble today. 

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