Thursday, November 23, 2023

Thanksgiving Eve

 I was up all night packing things and then did quite a bit of practice, not just long tones but messing around with songs and bits of music. Before hitting the sack I thought about dashing out with the stuff I'd packed so I'd have it done once and for all, then I could sleep all I like. 

I didn't do that, but instead went to sleep because sleep is good, right? And woke up at about 10 minutes to 6. I had to be out the door at 6. It only took me about 15 minutes to get out of here, with a good heavy load. One of the things is a big HP power supply that I had to use a box for that I'd had in the loft for years with the top cut off and lots of smaller boxes and stuff in it. I'd taken this and gone through the stuff in it, and near it, put a bunch of stuff out for people to pick up, measured and cut down this box, and packed the power supply. 

So it was a good load. And I got to the post office just fine. The chute was jammed of course but there was one of those white plastic bins right there so I just put my packages in it and put that on the counter with tons of other packages other people had not been able to put into the chute. 

I rode to H Mart and left the bike out front - load and all - and went in and got a package of cheese and a cucumber. I'd been 7 cents short and had to dash out to the bike to get my change bag; I should have brought it in with me. 

FedEx was closed. It turned out they'd closed at 6. So I had to ride back with my heavy load of 5 Fedex boxes. They're going out Friday I guess. I did my usual route for finding packing stuff and found a few things, and coming back along Bayshore, thought maybe I was getting a flat tire as the bike felt very slow and heavy. It was just me, the tires were fine. 

I got back in here, took the stuff I'd put out before and put it in the salt company's dumpster, came in here and put things away, put my bedding away and generally got the chaos under control, and was just settling down to some coffee and macadamia nuts when Ken came by. He was quite a bit early. 

He had tons of stuff to unload, I got my check and we talked for our usual hour and a half or so, and I went ahead and finished my nuts and coffee while we talked. We always find interesting things to talk about, so at least there's that. 

When he finally left I still felt like hell and my headache was bad. I'd taken some hot sauce before Ken came, and while he was there chewed up a couple of aspirin and swallowed those with some coffee. I even observed to Ken that I should have wised up and gotten chicken or even some food at McDonald's and eaten before I even came back here. 

Once Ken was gone, I hopped on the bike and rode up to the casino. I changed the $100 bill I took with me to $20's, and one of them got me the "Vietnamese pork chop" dinner and a diet Red Bull. It was partly a matter of getting some food and partly just getting away from here for a bit. 

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