Thursday, November 2, 2023

I guess I got a raise

 I managed to get 10 things listed last night and didn't practice because I felt too tired. 

I slept OK I guess, and woke up in time to pack 3 things to go to FedEx which meant I could leave at 7 instead of 6, for the shorter trip to FedEx only. 

I stopped at the chicken place and had my fried chicken, found some shipping stuff on the way back, and got back in OK. What's annoying is the zombies. On the way out I'd come upon a zombie on a bike, rolling another bike alongside, and there were too many cars for me to just swing wide and go around. I turned off once I came to a side street, with the idea of shooting across the other day once the traffic allowed, going out to Brokaw by that street and thus avoiding the zombie. But instead the zombie wandered its own way over that way, to avoid me. Good. 

Then on the way back, riding along Bayshore, I was paying so much attention to a fire truck that had stopped across the street that I didn't notice a zombie walking along, nearly silently. They usually are more noisy, with the staggering and shuffling, but still. I should have noticed it. The next one, further up, was even more dismaying as I should have been aware of the disgusting thing, a zombess that muttered a constant stream of gibberish. How could I not have heard that? These two were going the other way and may not have been any more aware of me, but not only are zombies disgusting but the mere touch of one can transfer any of a number of diseases. 

I got back here and put things away, cleaned the place up and was all ready for Ken to come by. The power went out for 15 or 20 minutes but I just turned some flashlights on, pointing up, to make at least some low-level room light and kept with what I was doing. There had been an accident of some type at the freeway entrance because people in cars love to smash 'em up, and maybe the power company had had to cut the power for a bit. 

Ken came by not early but his usual, standard, time of almost 11PM, and I got my check - $400 again so I guess I've got a raise. I need to keep track of things like this so I have my numbers right when I do my taxes. Ken and I talked about various things, tonight an interesting subject, as we got talking about whether those drops the eye doctor uses to dilate your eyes is the same as cocaine. It turns out they're not the same thing, and the eye drops are actually something like an opioid, which of course zombies especially Eastern European ones, are fond of injecting into their veins. Injecting eye drops - doesn't that just figure. 

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