Friday, July 28, 2023

Out with the old

 My day started with a call on my phone where an automated voice said my phone account was being "suspended" due to "changes on the account" then offered one of those "Press 1 for..." menus. I've decided it's a scam so I'll wait and see if my phone stops working lol. 

All I use the damn thing for anyway is to call Ken. I don't even call stores any more to ask their hours as those are all on Google Maps and everyone seems to keep those up to date. 

I practiced a bit last night too. It's coming back. 

I packed a good load of things and took off the usual time, just before dropping off the big packages at FedEx I stopped in at H Mart and got a few things, then checked the Apple place (nothing) and worked my way back here. At the medical dumpster there was a guy with a bike trailer going through it, a Mexican(?) guy who barely spoke English but very nice, he dug out the pieces of clean packing foam in there (he was going after metal himself) so I came home with a good amount of that. 

At the veggie dumpster I got a tomato and an "English" cucumber so I had those with some cheese I'd bought at H Mart right away. Then I got involved in watching a documentary so while that ran I dug back behind things and got out my "prepper" foods and decided what to keep which aside from sardines which seem to have a very long shelf life, some fancy Japanese instant coffee to give to Ken's wife, and a few other odds and ends, put all the stuff out for the bums to pick over. 

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