Tuesday, July 11, 2023

Actually able to exercise

 Nothing special, push-ups and neck exercises. But I was able to do 'em, which means no headache and it didn't come on when I exercised. 

Dinner last night was the super fatty pork belly as I'd mentioned, with some Korean soba noodles I'd bought at Mega Mart, chopped cabbage, and a "miso" seasoning packet from ramen. 

When I do my own broths, they almost always end up too salty so as a cheat I've been buying packages of ramen and using the broth packets as they're good-tasting and perfectly calibrated for 400ml or so of water. 

I may have to stop this though because I did more reading last night about phosphorus. It turns out beef isn't a big baddie as far as phosphorus is concerned, as beef, pork, chicken, even fish excluding shellfish, are all within a factor of about 1.5 of each other in terms of phosphorus. 

But here's the real catch: Like they've done with sugar, big food companies have discovered that phosphorus salts improve shelf life, taste, etc. So tons of foods have these phosphorus salts in them and ... phosphorus bound up in proteins has maybe a 50% absorption rate, while phosphorus in veggies is maybe a 30% absorption rate, and the absorption rate of phosphorus salts is 100%. 

And it gets better - it's not a big secret that cola drinks have phosphorus in them, but I read some lists and root beers, although dark, don't. And a lot of fruit juices do. Mainly I picked up that I should look up ingredients with "phos" in them. Those are the phosphorus salts. But they're not required to put on labels the amount of phosphorus, so it's best to just know what's in there and whole foods are the best way to do this. For instance, the pork belly slices I got from Mega Mart are just that - just slices with no seasoning or curing etc. Cabbage is just cabbage. Ramen seasoning packets might be out, though. 

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