Sunday, November 15, 2020

Dragging the truck

 Up at about 2. All  I did yesterday/last night was watch YouTube and drink. It at least feels like I have a day off if I do nothing for a day, even if I'm staying in here. I might feel like going out and riding around and buying stuff at places, but the virus is at its all-time peak right now and it's back to, "Is this trip necessary?" 

I stayed in while the guys next door at the cleaning place futzed around trying to tow this truck they've had parked in the parking lot for a while. The guy was having trouble backing it up and it must have been frustrating for him. He finally got it, though. 

I packed all the packages and cooked a nice broccoli-asparagus-beef dinner than listed some Ebay things, then I watched some video and decided I was just plain tired of how long my hair had gotten and figured I'd try doing a cut by feel, and not even fool around with the barber's cape. 

So I got out the tub for the hair to fall into, and started in, and the long strands really resisted the clipper. I sighed and put on the barber's cape and spread out plastic to catch the hair and went to work with the mirror but it still wasn't working so I got out a longer guard and for some reason that cut the hair easily. Then I polished it up with the shorter guards, shaved the back of my neck, etc. Then a hair-wash and a bath, and I'm neater and nicer-smelling. Tuesday's a rain day so if I'm going to go any shopping, the thing to do is grab the packages I've packed as soon as I'm up and do an early post office run like  I did on Friday, then drop off the trailer here and go back up to H Mart for some shopping. That means being around Asians so I need to smell like a proper human being. 

Thinking about this last haircut, I realized it must be much easier to keep a buzz cut looking good if it's trimmed maybe every 2 weeks. So just now I looked that up and indeed, Gentlemen's Quarterly suggests every week or two, or three on the outside. But it would be an easy process doing it that often - I'd get a good feel for it from so much practice. 

I bet those lady barbers in the Vietnamese barber shop were really annoyed by having to hack all that hair off of my head each time I came in, after letting it go so long.  As noted in GQ, a buzz is the cheapest cut, but those ladies have to charge the same cheap price to idiots like me who came in so overgrown. At least I was on the right track tipping so generously.

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