Saturday, January 18, 2025

Saturday night

 I got out of here in time on Friday to go to the bank, pick up bubble mailers, buy things at Whole Foods, etc and figured I'd have an hour to sit in Starbucks and study Hebrew, but then I got this really strong pang of feeling that I may not have locked the door to the shop. 

So I rode back, and the door was locked just fine. At least I put the things I'd acquired away, made sure the door was locked, and rode back over to the temple for the service. It was a "Rock Shabbat" except it really wasn't, it was a musical Shabbat, I'd call it. It was pretty nice, and hanging out and schmoozing afterward was too. 

I got back here and had a light dinner, watched stuff on YouTube, stayed up too late, and went to bed. I was surprised to wake up about 10 minutes before my alarm was set to go off, but with an awful headache. I had some Tylenol and coffee, went back to bed, and the headache lessened some. I finally got out of here around 11 which got me to Temple Sinai just in time for the very end of the service there, which was one of the "not required by highly encouraged" things for the class. 

The oneg afterward was great, bagels and lox and such things. I had a plate of lox, some cheese, veggies, things like that. Nothing starchy. There's a lady who's in the class also who's very short and wide, and who purports to be a language whiz. Se we were buddying up together, and there were so many people we couldn't find a place to sit so we sat at this kids' table - on kids' chairs - over in a corner and were deep in conversation when the rabbi came and asked us if we'd like to set at a grown ups' table. 

"We're fine!" we essentially said, and he sat there and ate and talked with us. This is when I really learned something about my friend. The conversation was dominated by her, going on about how she's a "polyglot" and what a whiz with languages she is. The rabbi managed to get some talking in with me, but not much was possible, mainly about military service and any Jewish background and so on. He's a great rabbi and I really like him, and will take some advice he was able to give. But only a little information transfer was possible. 

My "friend" went on about how she'd been in the DLI (Defense Language Institute) for a while until apparently she got kicked out because she didn't know she was supposed to do the military stuff too, not just the language stuff. She has a very high opinion of herself, yet is having real problems with Hebrew because it's not like the other (European) languages she's supposed to be an ace at. 

Really, this person is a real Boomer. At age 62 I'm a Boomer by some calculations, but she's edging into level Boomer. It's all about her. 

My pal took off and the rabbi had other people to talk to, and by now the nosh had given me a bit of a stomach ache. I'm not sure why, maybe indigestion. I wandered over to the informal bar and contemplated taking a shot or two of liquor to settle my stomach. There was vodka, tequila, and some whisky. And some pretty used looking shot glasses. But, I didn't. 

I started on the ride home thinking I could stop at BevMo in Willow Glen there and get some Underberg, which is a sort of drink for just this situation. I should have, because instead I tried the "Liquor Locker" out of curiosity, and the guy'd never heard of it. I could have bought a "nip" or two there and been fine and saved money, but I wanted Underberg, it being specifically for crumby tummies. 

So I rode on, and made my way to the Recycle Book Store because I was going right by them, and picked out "The Story Of A Life" by Aharon Appelfeld, for $8 because it looks like a good read and why not support the book store. 

Then I went over to Whole Foods and found the Underberg, which along with the other liquor was in a locked cabinet. I pressed the button for help and no one came. The thing's timer ran out and I pressed it again, and again the timer ran out and no one came. 

So I went to the little basket of single bottles and cans and things, and found this little Old Fashioned in a can for $6 and got that. An Old Fashioned being basically whisky with a few things to make it taste a bit better, it was about the same as the pack of 3 little bottles of Underberg would have been. I went upstairs and had my Old Fashioned along with some coffee in a can I'd brought along. 

Then I went to the Amazon place for bubble mailers, and Nijiya for odds and ends because why not, as opposed to a nice Shabbat at home I'd been sort of obligated to go out running around all over town. At least my stomach was settled down. 

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