Wednesday, December 4, 2024

Hail to thee, Hoodie Bicycle Silencer Guy

 I could not get back to sleep last night after waking up at 4AM, and am pretty sure I lay awake in bed until about 6AM, then slept until 9:30AM. I think the problem is when I drink coffee that's fresh brewed, there are particles of coffee that don't get handled by my stomach but go further on to my intestines, where they're digested and more caffeine comes out. Coffee drinks that are bottled in a factory don't have these particulates, but fresh brewed stuff like the "flat white" I had at Starbucks last night will have this effect. 

Today's news is that some hero, wearing mostly black clothes, with a pistol and silencer which are just about given out as cereal prizes in the US, shot the CEO of United Health Care. In other words, he de-activated a ghoul with the blood of many thousands on its hands. Horray! I hope they never catch the guy. 

I also just took a look at the map and next time I have to be at Temple Beth David, I can take the green line to downtown Campbell, get onto Campbell Avenue, and just take that West and it will take me right there. Since I have to be there pretty early Saturday morning, I can just take the green line from the station that's about a mile and a half from here. 

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Monday, monday

 I really want to go out busking for the lunch crowd on a Monday and do that "Monday, monday" song. Plus all the other Monday song...