Sunday, December 1, 2024

Gloomy but at least not raining Sunday

 I slept in until noon, which was OK I guess considering I was up until 3AM. The prostitution operation several doors up is still operating, but I think they've told the customers to be less noisy and try not to park down at my end. Plus I sleep with my heater set on fan only to make a little noise so I don't hear every little word and footstep. 

I'm really getting to like "The New Reading Hebrew" book we're working from. It's tons of drills and seems repetitive but that's the magic of it. Even very advanced musicians still play scales, and it's that sheer repetition that makes the knowledge stick. 

I'm doing the recommended reading 2X, and have been listening to the song "Sholem Aleichem" tons of times. It turns out to be an important Shabbat song, and here I thought L'cha Dodi was the big one. 

The next class is at Temple Beth David, one I'm now well used to going to. This is where doing "all the things" from when I first decided on this path has worked out well for me. And there's no rain in the forecast so while it might be cold coming back it won't be wet. It's just wintry out. 

Today would have been a good day for busking if I were in shape to. At least I got the new cornet out last night and played a little, and made sure the slides are moving smoothly. My main concern was the smallest one for the middle valve, a slide that often gets frozen on horns that are neglected. Since the horn is new and the clearances tight, it could happen easily. But  I took it out and cleaned it and the tubes it goes into with a Q-tip and put some slide grease on there and I'm less worried now. 

Today being Sunday it's basically a work day for me. I packed 4 large things and took them to FedEx and collected packing stuff on the way home, then went out again for some shopping at Sprouts and found a T-shirt and a pair of sweat pants at Ross. 

I got home (again) and cooked up a nice fish soup. I'm still in pain but I guess it must be getting better because I was able to cook fish soup. 


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Monday, monday

 I really want to go out busking for the lunch crowd on a Monday and do that "Monday, monday" song. Plus all the other Monday song...