Monday, November 4, 2024

Pain just pain

 I woke up around 8 or 9. I packed 11 small packages, doing a few then going to bed for a while then doing more and back to bed... the pain is really something but I'm not experiencing things that I should go to the ER for like numbness or tingling in the extremities.

I have a route planned that's pretty flat and easy. First the post office downtown to drop the packages off, then I'll see if I can get some ibuprofen at Nijya where at least I can buy something and get cash back. If they don't have it I'll try Smile Market, and if *they* don't have it, then I'll go back to TAK Market to get it. Then I'll get back here and spend the rest of the day/evening in bed. 

I left at 3, dropped off trash, stopped at Nijiya for some things and some cash back, dropped off the packages at the post office, then  decided to hunt around for this bodega called AK Mart where I might find some ibuprofen gels cheaper than they are at TAK Market. 

I didn't find it because I realized there's the 7-11 across from the Amazon place where I got a lot of bubble mailers. I went in there and I specifically wanted the gel caps. They didn't have them but they have some liquid for children that I thought was about $7 but turned out to be more like $12. 

I then went to Nijiya again for another $20 cash back and a package of cucumbers. Last night I'd had a burger from Wienerschnitzel, this time I got one from Fosters. They both cost the same. 

All of this routine was very painful especially the waiting at Foster's for the burger. If I go there again I might try laying my head on my arms on one of the tables, like a kid having "rest time" in 2nd grade. Standing hurt like hell. Interestingly, riding my bike isn't that uncomfortable except having to stand on the pedals a bit to go over bumpy places. 

I got back in here, put things away, tossed the burger buns out for the gulls, and ate the burger which was much better than the Weinerschiztel one. Now I know why there are always more people at the Foster's. 

I'd really exerted myself today and going to bed didn't provide the relief it did before the ride. The ride had started in a typical way too - a truck behind me, a car coming from the left, and one speeding up *fast* from the right, all thirsty for my blood. I had to sprint straight across into the refuge of the CalTrans parking lot then sneak out. 

I have a feeling this back injury is going to take a while to get better. At least as long as  I keep the numbers good, sales are coming in. 

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