Wednesday, April 12, 2023

No Sale

 Well, the Craig's List flake never showed up, emailed or anything. Craig's List is slow as hell. If the ham radio swap meet weren't in limbo without a place to be, I'd take my 1-2 times a year and load the bike up like crazy and just sell stuff off there. 

But who knows when the ham radio swap meet will ever exist again. Covid only sped up ongoing processes, but we've experienced something like 10 years of decay in 2. Clubs, associations, gathering places, hang-outs, places to buy, places to sell, all gone. I'm glad I'm starting the process now, to sell things I don't really need to get rid of for another year and a half. 

I practiced last night, shinobue and shakuhachi, and got a fair amount of sleep. I woke up in time to pack one big thing and two smaller things for FedEx. I took off at 5:30, and risked it putting a bag of trash in the FedEx dumpster and that went OK, the drugged-up zombie with the dark colored SUV with the dog in it didn't show up. I did see an older guy in a security guard uniform walking by and we nodded and smiled to each other. 

I dashed into H Mart for a cucumber and had something like 15c left over, which I left in a little stack by the bum, who was sitting there, saying "Here's what I have left, it's not much but it all adds up". No reaction. I think the bum has entered into that rarefied level of bum-dom, of begging out on the center divider of the intersection there. Too lofty to worry about a mere 15c... 

In fact, I thought, after I'd dropped my packages off and was on my way back, the bum is never carrying anything. A real orthodox homeless person will carry everything they own with them. This might take a shopping cart or two, or at the very least a backpack larger than the torso of the person carrying it. The bum has none of these. I theorized that The Jungle, a huge spread-out homeless camp along Coyote Creek, being a short walk away, the bum probably lives in there. 

The truth is there are whole generations of people being born, living, and dying of homeless old age in their 50s or so, contented grandmothers or grandfathers, in The Jungle. 

I was sure to get back here before 8, although it was tight as I went to the medical place and found something pretty good and some boxes and stuff, and got back here a few minutes after. But the Craig's List person never emailed, called, or showed up. 

Before taking off I'd called Ken and asked how he was doing. Normally a late riser, I'd called around 5 and he'd probably just gotten up and had his breakfast pancakes or waffles. He said he was going to  go to the doctor "They close at 6" and I said I'd done some looking around on Google and the wobbly legs thing seems to be just another stage in the peripheral neuropathy of diabetes. Maybe his potassium was low, though, I said. He said he'd just has a potato and those have plenty of it. 

Ken could greatly extend his life and enjoy his life if he'd go low-carb but I've talked with him enough about it. He could almost certainly gear his diabetes back enough that he'd just have to take the metformin pills he started with. But he's gonna die for pancakes... 

Other than these piddly things it's just the usual horror show. Some of the more regressive states are trying to bring in travel restrictions, first for women they suspect might be leaving to another state to get an abortion but if they get that done then it will be game on. Travel will likely be restricted for women and girls, period, if they're not accompanied by a male spouse or family member. And that male spouse or family member had better be a Party member in good standing with a solid alibi. 

Then will come in travel restrictions for others. Those deemed "politically unreliable", non-whites, etc.  I'm a registered Democrat but I'm also registered as white (my driver's license in the past used to have things like "WHT" or "CAUC" on it but I can't find anything like that now, but there are some mysterious numbers that I'm sure say just that, as race-obsessed as the US is) and I'm sure they have some way of telling that I'm a gun owner, in fact for all they know I own not just a couple guns but several. 

I really don't expect most of what I'm talking about to kick off until after the general election in late 2024, and really we're into 2025 by then. I plan to be long gone. 

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January 9th was gone too

 2AM the 10th now. Ken came by last (Wednesday) night and I got a double check to cover New Year's Week and this week so I get to put $8...