Wednesday, April 5, 2023

Cheap 2-bit crook

 The arrest of the horrible orange blog grinds on. I hate hearing that guy's voice on the radio. He sounds like a cheap 2-bit crook off of an old 1950s black-and-white serial, the kind of guy who says things like "Chee, bawss, I didun't 'tink'a dat!" 

The problem is, this is paralleling Hitler yet again. The press and so on in Germany were trying to fight Hitler's rise to power with reason and logic, and meanwhile Hitler was having rich industrialists buying airplanes for him so he could fly around Germany giving his idiotic speeches, and buying him radio time and the press giving him tons of free coverage. This very same thing has happened, except for "rich industrialists" substitute "Russian mob". 

I'm not going to be happy until I see that orange cancer ending up like Mussolini did. 

The problem is, and I hope the half of the US population whose necks will be on the chopping block can see this, if Orange Blobbo actually gets into power again, we can say goodbye to elections, the Constitution, any support for Ukraine, possibly the US being part of the UN or NATO at all. Imagine the US turned over to the service of Russia. This is what Putin is hoping for; if he can hold on long enough, he's hoping for (and no doubt funding) a shift to the (farther) Right in the US. 

Large numbers of us will revolt, of course, or leave if we can. That's the biggest IF right there. No one's going to want us, just like no one wanted Germany's Jews. One will have to be an outstanding artist or writer or scientist, and even then plenty of those went up the chimneys - yes, Germans who were "disloyal" and other groups in roughly equal number with Jews. The actual death toll was approximately 12 million. 

With the US having a larger population, I suspect our far-Right will plan for far larger numbers than that. Big numbers! The Right is in love with 'em. Everyone non-white will be a start and that's at least 100 million right there although probably a good number more depending on how they're counted. 

Enough politics. A food bomb came in last night which got me 10 lbs more spaghetti and now I'm about as stocked up on that as I thing is necessary. (The nice thing about it is, not only does it store well but when it's time to "divest" I can pass it on and everyone knows what it is and how to cook it). I singled out about 6 or 8 lbs of spaghetti for Tom and some pinto beans, other pasta, few more jars of peanut butter, a nice load of goodies. 

I listed 20 things on Ebay and right away $1000 worth of stuff sold. A nice thing to show Ken, who's due to come by tonight. 

I also practiced a bit, and watched the first half of Empire Of The Sun which had shown up on YouTube. It's really good so far, and kind of hilarious that the kid loves Japanese airplanes and wants to join the Japanese Air Force. He keeps trying to surrender to the Japanese soldiers and his "surrender" gesture looks like the Japanese "Banzai" gesture so they keep laughing him off. 

I woke up in time to have tea and aspirin, and pack 17 things. All but some big things one guy bought, that I told him I'm sending in two boxes. 

I loaded the bike trailer up with food to take to Tom's, and the packages. The post office drop off went fine, and I went to H Mart, since I had some stuff for the bum. They weren't around the front so I just went in and got a can of coffee and then went over to FedEx where in fact they were. I handed off a bag full of these "Nutri System" foil bags of prepared pasta in tomato sauce with probably some meat or cheese or something. That seemed to be accepted OK and I mentioned I'd put some matches in there too.

The bum has gotten to the point where skin, hair, clothes, are all the same shade of shitty brown. And phewf!! The stench coming off of the bugger! 

I dropped off my FedEx boxes and then  went around behind H Mart to look for veggies but there were none that I could reach anyway. But I noticed a small box near the other dumpsters and checked it out and it was full of things like fried kim chee rolls, chilled baked fish, etc. I picked out a fish that's like a sand dab that I know I like, and two packages of grilled saury's. And a couple packages of baked sweet potatoes. 

I only found some aspirin at the EMT training place but that's OK. I stopped at Tom's to drop off the food I had for him, plus gave him the sweet potatoes and one of the packages of saury's. 

I checked the medical place on the way home and there were all things like nasty old suitcases and couch cushions stuffed into the dumpster. Maybe if I pulled those out I'd find all kinds of neat stuff underneath but I was not up for it. 

I got back here, put things away, sorted out the free food I have here (again) to come up with a nice batch for Tom as he'd told me he likes canned fruit and even green beans and seems to like peanut butter quite a bit. I hope he likes it 14 more jars' worth. 

I took the food that was left after this last sorting and put it out by the railroad signal pole. Most of the food I left before is still there. 

I got back here and ate the fish. It was pretty good - something like $12 worth of grilled fish; it should be. The saurys are a nice, oily fish like a smaller, darker, mackerel. Now if I get a craving for that kind of fish I'll happily fork over $5 or $6 for a package of those. 


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