Thursday, October 13, 2022

This is how it is sometimes

 Ken came by last night and I'm glad I got my Ebay listing done before he came by, because he came with a truckload of stuff that was piled up in the office and also seemed to want to talk about stuff until far past his usual time. Lately he'd been taking care to leave by midnight, but last night he stayed until a bit past 1. 

So after he was gone, I put some of the stuff away where "away" means simply stacking it in the warehouse where I won't have to climb over it to get to other stuff, then cooked and ate a bowl of fish ramen and then put the rest of the stuff away. 

Then I relaxed a bit and got some flute practice in. I'm up to "The Stoat" and have learned a new note, Bb. This is about all I can do, just make sure to get some practice in every day or at least every 24-hour cycle, and keep at it. 

It took me literal years to have a decent sound on trumpet and I guess it will be about the same on flute. I really need to push for as much practice as I can do each day, but last night and the night before, I was so tired that I did maybe 45 minutes and that was it. 

I woke up today at about 2:45. I'm not going to do the bank today. I had the day all planned - I'd get up early, ideally have done a thorough scrub-down and fresh clothes last night, would get out the door a bit past noon, go to the bank and do other things like get a flu shot. 

Instead I'm tired as hell, and the bank etc. are pushed off until tomorrow. And that turned out to be a good thing, as Ken came by around 5 with my ballot for the upcoming election, and a $20 bill for the tape I'd had to buy and my trouble.

I got about 8 things packed and took them to the post office and one to FedEx, and did some shopping, using up $28 of the $29 Ken had given me. It was really just a few small things and a pound and a half package of frozen thinly sliced beef of a type I kept on thinking about trying. After getting back here I let it thaw enough to work with, cut the strips into smaller pieces, and weighed it out into 6, 4-oz. bags so I hope it's good because it's six dinners. 

I got 10 things together out of all this junk Ken had brought over, then cooked up a bowl of pork ramen. After I'd started eating Ken called because he's lost his jacket and thought it might be here. I told him I'd finish eating and then look for it, and call him back to let him know if I'd found it. I didn't find it though. He's looked all over at his work ... I swear the guy needs a minder. 


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